Fraiser Crane To Host New Network More Right Wing Than Fox!

Apr 21, 2010 13:06

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Actor Kelsey Grammer is one of the names behind The RightNetwork, a new operation that is being targeted at "Americans who are looking for content that reflects and reinforces their perspective and world-view."

The network is expected to launch this summer and is hoping to be available to on-demand cable offerings, online and mobile phones.

"There's wrong, and there's right, right network, all that's right with the world," Grammer says in a video clip on the network's Web site.

Likewise, the network's promotional materials say it will focus on entertainment with "pro-America," "pro-business, pro-military sensibilities" that will ultimately invite conversation and influence "the national conversation."

Because the RightNetwork is being pitched as an on-demand offering it means it wouldn't initially have the same reach - or draw - as traditional cable networks that are on all the time on a cable system. Subscribers would physically have to click through to get the service.

"We're creating a welcome place for millions and millions of Americans who've been looking for an entertainment network and media channel that reflects their point-of-view," Ed Snider, chairman of Comcast-Spectacor, said in a statement on the site. "RightNetwork will be the perfect platform to entertain, inform and Connect with the American majority about what's right in the world."

Snider is a personal investor in the RightNetwork, which has nothing to do with Comcast-Spectacor. Comcast-Spectacor is a joint venture with Comcast that was founded by Snider, and owns the Philadelphia Flyers, the Philadelphia 76ers, and the Wachovia Center and Wachovia Spectrum in South Philadelphia and Comcast SportsNet.

Word of the network spread over the weekend when the Web site reported Comcast was behind the effort, although Comcast officials moved to shoot down those reports Monday.

"The blog reports that Comcast is an investor in, or partner of the RightNetwork are inaccurate," according to a company statement. "We have no partnership with this venture and have no plans to launch or distribute the network. As we have done with hundreds of other content providers, we have met with the network's representatives. We do carry a number of independent networks on Comcast representing a wide variety of interests and diverse viewpoints."

While the network's Web site or Facebook page doesn't specifically say conservatives, it's clearly designed for folks who might be upset with today's government.

One of the RightNetwork shows is called "Running," which Grammer described as a reality show following six political rookies running for the first time. The theme through the promotional clip is that these folks are running against "polished politicians."

Another show is called "Evan Sayet's Right 2 Laugh," a comedy show that "proves funny people and funny things come from both sides of the aisle," Grammer said in a clip.

However, the jokes in the clip are anti-President Obama.

Sayet, a conservative comic and commentator, says he started the show because, there "weren't many voices for the right values coming from the comedic side."

The network comes at a time where there's been a growing groundswell of conservative attention led by the National Tea Party, dubbed Tea Baggers, which recently had former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin deliver the keynote address at its convention.


I defnitely think Fox deserves good competition. However, I'm afraid that this new station will be Teabag Central. Grammer has a RINO-ish reputation, but it won't be enough to stop the inevitable fail. Also, here's a Fraiser gif:

fox news, media, conservatives

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