It's coming

Aug 18, 2008 17:06

Mon Aug 18 2008 17:01:04 ET

The NYT newsroom was buzzing late Monday afternoon after Obama-beat reporter Jeff Zeleny learned how the Dem hopeful has now finalized his choice for a running-mate.

Obama has set an elaborate roll-out to announce his decision that will begin with an early morning e-mail to supporters, perhaps as early as Tuesday, Zeleny and Adam Nagourney have been told.

A top source close to Caroline Kennedy tells DRUDGE -- the pick is more likely to come early Wednesday morning.

Is it Nunn? Is it Kaine? Is Hillary there? What about Kerry? Bayh? Biden?

Developing... all night [week?] long


Latest on the Dem VP Race: Not Going to be Bayh, Daschle or Clark

I won't post sources on this, so any folks are welcome to consider this my fanciful speculation.

But sources close to Obama report to me that after the "surge of concern" on the net about Evan Bayh, he has not been selected as Obama's VP running mate.

I have been informed that the decision has been made, and I don't know who that person is.

I also have been told that Tom Daschle is not the running mate. I also happen to know that it is not Wesley Clark.

I just received word that it is not Senator Jack Reed either, though Obama thought very highly of him.

In my estimation, that leaves Joseph Biden, Chuck Hagel, and Sibelius. I don't think that Tim Kaine would be the nominee given the elevation of Mark Warner as the keynote speaker at the Dem convention.

As much as I would love Hagel to be the nominee, I don't think that will happen. . .and while I could be wrong here, I have heard next to nothing about Sibelius.

That leaves Joe Biden. Could Warner be a head fake -- and it's Tim Kaine after all? Not sure. . .circumstantial evidence points to Biden.

Of all places where Biden is now, he's in Georgia -- the one in the tangle with Russia.

One well placed political expert just told me on the phone that we may all be wrong and that Obama could come out with something completely unexpected -- a Hillary Clinton or even (and this shocked me) Al Gore or John Kerry. I don't have any info on such surprising possibilities as these.

We may know Monday or Tuesday.

I won't defend or go into my sources. Discount this as you like.


Take that last one with a grain of salt, of course. But I'm absurdly excited to find out who the veep is. All this buildup, it's like Lost, with all the clues, and the guessing, and the lies. So many lies.

joe biden, jack reed, vice presidents, tim kaine, barack obama, evan bayh, drudge report

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