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chiss November 3 2007, 01:26:41 UTC
It's very hard. I'm a Canadian citizen in the US, and I had to pay 3000 + dollars just for the immigration lawyer to file my paperwork, which doesn't guarantee anything.

Just to be considered for a green card, you have to either marry a US citizen, be an immediate family member of a US citizen or green card holder, or have a bachelor's degree in an "in demand" field... or be a member of the clergy.

There's no way other than that, usually.

First you submit your info, and your application for a green card. If all goes well in about a year you have to go for an interview and they basically grill you on who you are, why you're here, pertinent information. If you get one this allows you to work, go to school, and grants you basic rights. It is essentially your permission to legally live and work in the US. It needs to be refreshed every five years. If you get divorced in under 2 years from your spouse, it's revoked and you're deported.

Once you get a permanent resident (green) card, you can file for naturalization (switch to citizenship). This takes at LEAST 7 - 12 years; it's so backed up that the USCIS doesn't even look at Citizenship applications more than once a year. To get this, after 12 years, you have to prove you're fluent or at least passable in English, and take your citizenship test that tests you on the government, history and the law; things most Americans don't even know.

These cost thousands of dollars just to file, take years to process, and are not guaranteed. They can turn you down for any reason, from typos on forms to missing documentation due to clerical screwups to suspicion, then you have to file again. Also, you're not able to vote until you become a citizen, and if you move, change your information like your name or anything like that, you have to let them know within a week I think it is or they can revoke your status. Also, once they give you a deadline or interview date for ANYTHING if you miss it, no matter why (death in the family? car accident? hospitalization?) you are shit out of luck. You're quickly deported.

The only alternative to citizenship is enlisting in the military. After 3 years active duty or 1 year active duty in a warzone, you can be naturalized at an annual naturalization ball/gala thing that the president goes to, him/herself. That's what I'm doing, because the other route is ridiculous and heartbreaking.

It's hard, and I don't blame people for being afraid to undergo it, but them getting the privileges for free just because they're scared when people like me have to deal with the system THEY clog up because of laziness? I hate it. There is no excuse.


nikkigoesdown November 3 2007, 01:32:07 UTC
whoa. well it looks like i won't be leaving canada.

i hope everything works out for the best for you!


chiss November 3 2007, 01:35:45 UTC
I cannot express to you how much better you (generally) are off in Canada. Unless you absolutely have to, DO NOT LEAVE.

Learn from my mistakes, bb. :(


nikkigoesdown November 3 2007, 01:38:25 UTC
well i really love canada anyways!
you should come back here, we want you. :)


chiss November 3 2007, 01:40:05 UTC
It's hard not to. Such an awesome place...

If I could, I would. My life is here now, but if I get the chance, you can bet that I'll be chugging maple syrup and high-fiving polar bears in a heartbeat. lol


nikkigoesdown November 3 2007, 01:43:17 UTC
oh man that reminds me. some dude in my residence chugged a huge bottle of maple syrup (2500 cals) to get a bunch of raffle tickets for halloween variety night.


those boys get the syrup in 'em and they get all antsy in their pantsies... chiss November 3 2007, 01:47:06 UTC
Oh GOD. That prize better have been fucking awesome.


Re: those boys get the syrup in 'em and they get all antsy in their pantsies... nikkigoesdown November 3 2007, 01:48:20 UTC
yeah no, he didn't end up winning anything but i did rofl! and i didn't even have to do anything.


chiss November 3 2007, 01:55:40 UTC
Hahahhaa owned. He's gonna get so sick.


nikkigoesdown November 3 2007, 01:58:56 UTC
i'm surprised i didn't see him shaking or anything.


infidelkast November 3 2007, 07:46:20 UTC
infidelkast November 3 2007, 07:47:14 UTC

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