A little bit of clarity on the situation in Georgia.

Aug 10, 2008 12:45

First, I think some history is needed ( Read more... )

russia, ussr, georgia (the country)

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phamos818 August 10 2008, 21:20:25 UTC
I was under the impression that ONTD_political was supposed to contain articles and stuff, not random editorial opinions of various LJ-ers. One-sentence quotes from BBC articles don't seem to fit the bill, IMHO. I appreciate this take on the subject; I even agree with some of it. But there are better forums for it. This post is trying to position itself as the One Tru Fax about the war in South Ossetia, which it isn't. I think watching how the situation progresses over the next few days will give a better indication of whether Russia is content to protect the self-determination of the two regions, or if there might be some other strategic motivations going on here. And I look forward to reading actual articles about these developments along with the reactions of community members in the comments. OK, I'm done whining now.


7950 August 10 2008, 21:34:39 UTC
many people know so little about this that anything less than an unbiased presentation of fact is going to influence their opinion deeply...that was our problem with Iraq, too.


Mod Note bluetooth16 August 10 2008, 21:38:57 UTC
I agree with you that the post is slanted. However, it was approved because it provides background information on a situation not everyone is familiar with. In addition, we tend to be more lenient on international stories because it's harder for us to fact check. If this post was based off of some random blog entry, we would have rejected it.


Re: Mod Note phamos818 August 10 2008, 21:44:27 UTC
OK, thanks, I appreciate your take on that. I just feel a little bit like giving individual members the ability to provide "background information" as though they were authorities simply on the basis of ethnicity or nationality might open a nasty can of worms. I totally understand your perspective, though, so I will stop being a backseat mod. :)


Re: Mod Note bluetooth16 August 10 2008, 22:00:08 UTC
I understand your fear because I share it. If posts similar to this do get out of hand, that's when the policy on them will change. Until then, we're counting on members to act in a civil manner.


Re: Mod Note _generalsmuts August 11 2008, 01:45:48 UTC
I appreciate this post because most of the news stories on the issue really do not provide background information. I need to see both points of view before I can see the whole picture - and I was only getting one point of view from most of the news reports in the west.


Re: Mod Note bluetooth16 August 11 2008, 02:45:12 UTC
Before I go on, I must say that I love your icon! I don't care what anyone thinks, but I am completely convinced that Jack Harkness is the FoB!

As for the srs bzns, I agree with you on the news reports. They just automatically assume that everyone will understand the history behind the conflict. As far as coverage goes, the European press does a far better job in providing context and background. American media tends to go for straight reporting.


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Re: Mod Note bluetooth16 August 10 2008, 22:18:53 UTC
Sorry if I wasn't clear. You can insert your own opinions within the main post. Some people (myself included) tend to put them at the end, but it's totally up to you. I agree with you that it is a well crafted summary and analysis based on legit sources. I personally disagree with it, but I will give the OP credit for not taking the easy way out. Lazy people would use some random blog post or not source their opinions properly, which would result in drama and rejected posts.


Re: Mod Note phamos818 August 10 2008, 22:38:48 UTC
It doesn't say in the rules that opinions are not allowed within the main post. What it says is:

What should I post? Any news that relates to politics, nation of origin does not matter.

Can I post editorials? Go ahead, but it must be from a legitimate source (mods will decide). Do not link to an article you wrote (This has happened). This is not your personal journal ( ... )


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Re: "so I will stop being a backseat mod" Yah... really? phamos818 August 11 2008, 03:07:10 UTC
I wasn't being a backseat mod here, I was responding to your comment aimed at ME posted AFTER the actual mod had explained why the post was allowed. You were the one presenting the moot point when the mod had already said she was OK with the post being allowed and explained to me why, and I had said that I saw where she was coming from, and blah blah blah. Basically I saw it as you taking a cheap shot at me after the situation was resolved. You've been snarky to me in both your comments here for no apparent reason. You insinuate that I don't like debate or "actual analysis and shit" -- why would I be here if that were the case ( ... )


Re: "so I will stop being a backseat mod" Yah... really? phamos818 August 11 2008, 03:22:48 UTC
Actually, to clarify one thing -- it's not that only people who agree with the article think it's OK to post it here, because obviously the mod has stated that she doesn't personally agree. But your passionate defense of the right for the OP to post something like this seems directly tied to the fact that you do agree with him/her, based primarily on a few random blog posts and a general antipathy towards the admittedly-biased and undereducated American media. From a quick glance at your journal, it seems we both have relatively similar political positions across the board. I just think that in a situation like the one in South Ossetia, because so many of us on this side of the globe aren't particularly familiar with the situation, it's best not to jump to conclusions about who is "right" and who is "wrong ( ... )


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Re: "so I will stop being a backseat mod" Yah... really? phamos818 August 11 2008, 04:31:24 UTC
I figured we're both big girls here who can follow a thread without email notifications. Apparently I wasn't wrong.

I said in my very first comment that I agreed with some of what the OP said. I think he's obviously blatantly biased towards the Russian side, but it's not like I'm over here throwing a rally for the brilliant political machinations of Saakashvili.

Like I said, I honestly think you and I agree on many things politically. This was solely an issue I had with the style of the post, not the content, nor do I have any specific issues with the content of the links you posted or points you've made in the few posts I took a peek at over on your journal. I have zero problem with you, personally or politically. You jumped down my throat here for reasons I'm still not particularly clear on. Maybe you just felt like starting a fight? I don't know.


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