Wisconsin Right to Life's Sarah Palin Event a Huge Success!

Nov 07, 2009 16:38

Sarah Palin really needs no introduction. Want to test it? What’s the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom? (crowd) Lipstick!

Priorities - fiscal restraint, limiting the size of government. She didn’t learn about energy at a Harvard seminar, She lived them and made them happen.

Sarah Palin chose life, chose to stand up, which made her enemies.

“How many are protectors of right to be here, defenders of our right to assemble? If you served in the military to defend our rights, raise your hand.

We’re going to honor you and have a moment of silence for those killed at Fort Hood. You’ll be our symbol. Stand up and I’d ask for a moment of silence. I’ll be praying.

I have Wisconsin connections. My grandmother was born in Chippewa Falls. And this is a stretch. My dad came from Idaho and was a teammate of Jerry Cramer. Long story about how Sarah’s dad told her a football story about Jerry and asked if she remembered it and she said, “I don’t even think I was born.”

Greta Van Sustern (applause) Fox News Anchor talks about WI every time she interviews me. She’s from here and loves you guys.

She tells a story about a gold dollar coin. My friend asks me what’s missing. I looked at it for a long time and then compareed it to another original coin and noticed that the words “In God We Trust” are pushed to the side, off to the very edge. Who makes a decision like that? It may be irrelevant to lots of people, but it’s a sign of a disturbing trend to me. It worries me in my simple little world and my simple way of speaking. Because it is in God we trust. That’s the basis of our country.

More and more of us are realizing the sanctity of life.

Wisconsin Right to Life is known across the country for your efforts. The world needs to hear this message.

There are still some politicians who wish to see these babies die.

Thank you for protecting freedom of speech and public education efforts to reduce abortion.

Thanks for walking the walk and not just talking about it.

Here’s a change we can believe in. A majority of Americans now identify as Pro-Life.

Those who believed in the sanctity of life were told to sit down and shut up. Well, Wisconsin, you went rogue!

Women who are protectors - protectors of the womb - you can’t just get over it and sit down and shut up. You’re changing hearts and changing minds.

We’re dealing with the truth. The gift of knowledge lets us see truth with life. John 16:13 “spirit of truth”

Spirit of truth is being poured out on the country today and people are getting it.

A child in a womb is a statement about all of us. Those who agree are compelled to confront the lie of abortion.

The trend is clearly on the side of life.

Prolife grassroots reaction to Supreme Court decision. We became the anti-freedom and liberty.

We’re pro-children and pro-babies. Is there anything better to be in favor of?

Let me speak in some simple terms here. When I say “simple terms” those on the other side, their heads start spinning - especially the liberal media.

Quote from Laura Ingraham: “What’s the most promising and precious ingredient that we have in this world? It’s a child.” That’s where our potential is. That’s where America’s promise is.

We’re not against anything. We’re for the very best thing in life.

Sometimes the best things in life aren’t planned.

Talks about successful ads from the 90s. Those ads reminded us that pro-lifers are for something beautiful…brought babies back into the picture. (and with improvements in ultrasounds) babies in the womb could no longer be dismissed as protoplasm or blobs of tissue.

(These things) reminded us that pro lifers are for something beautiful.

We’ve been called extremists. We’re not. A baby is a baby regardless of the circumstances of conception.

Two years ago I had an ultra sound. I was 12 weeks along. The technician said she saw boy parts. I was like, yes, what could be better than a little baby boy? Then she said the baby’s neck was thicker than usual. I was like yes, that’s great. Then I thought, oh oh. I recall the fear, knowing what a thick neck may mean. More tests. My baby had Down Syndrome. What is amazing is who this child is. My family’s life is so much richer because of this beautiful baby boy named Trig. He’s awesome! Groups like this affirm the value of every life.

That is what I had to hold onto - that seed of faith-when I was afraid.

We know that 80-90% of Down Syndrome babies are aborted. They’re aborted because they live in a society of some people’s idea of perfection, not God’s.

Talks about Bristol and how she’s faced challenges as well, but chose life.

Today I thank God for all of these circumstances. I never thought I’d be asked to walk the walk. It took me a while to get there through my pregnancy. I asked God and I asked Todd, “Why us?” Todd said, “Why not us?”

I want to help you help people to be less afraid and make this world more welcoming for every baby.

This is not a political issue. Talks about partial birth abortion legislation. I call it like I see it - it’s killing a baby. If someone can believe otherwise, they’d have to be able to believe the earth is flat. Those politicians (who supported partial birth abortion) were either cold-hearted extremists or attached to the abortion lobby. One of them is now in the White House.

Ending a baby’s life isn’t health care and shouldn’t be part of health care reform. Representative Bart Stupak from Michigan is pushing hard to get Federal funding for abortion out of the health care reform bill.

They haven’t told us how we’re going to pay for this health care reform - this government takeover.

Pelosi must be held accountable…must let it come to a vote on Federal funding of abortion.

And we should ask ourselves, those who have this fundamental belief that a baby in the womb is not so special, then what are they thinking about the elderly?

Think about it, in order to save the government money, health care is going to have to be rationed…elderly will be first in line for rationed health care…utilitarian values…panel of health care bureaucrats making decisions about health care.

Selfless, ordinary men and women like you have been building the culture of life, brick by brick, life by life.

Earliest feminist women were pro life. (lists early feminists - Anthony, Stanton, etc). “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.” - Alice Paul quote.

The culture of life empowers women by offering them real choice.

Pope John Paul II…came to believe life is precious…(talks about how he witnessed atrocities of WWII) and that evil can only be overcome by love. He understood life is precious because it’s created in the image of god. Pope John Paul II Quote: “Building an authentic civilization of love must include a massive effort to educate consciences in the moral truths that sustain respect for life in the face of every threat against it.”

I believe if we walk the walk we will become a more blessed country and world.

We can’t look to the government to walk the walk. Don’t say, “Here government, take care of these people, take my money, raise my taxes.”

You know, life happens. Although not ideal, beautiful, cherished life can come from these circumstances. I know that now too.

Preciousness of every unborn child…sanctity of life. Help when the baby is born and care for our elders. That’s the change we need.

So, I say to you, come in from the edge if you feel you’re being pushed out. Know you’re not alone. Be bold. Be generous with your time, your donations, your energy.

And don’t ever let anyone tell you to sit down and shut up.”

The evening ended with a giant check presentation of $1,000 from Sarah to the Wisconsin Right to Life Education Fund. People were encouraged to fill out pledge form and match Sarah’s $1,000 donation to become a member of "Sarah's Rogues" and receive an autographed copy of Going Rogue.

BRILLIANT! Almost as good as her speech in Indiana. I hope video or audio for this one surfaces soon.

become one of Sarah's Rogues with a donation of $1,000 or more
to the Wisconsin Right to Life Education Fund.
Source 1, Source 2

trolls gone wild, epic post, sarah palin / palin family

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