American Health Care

Sep 17, 2009 02:41

With mod [celtic_thistle] permission, I'm expanding upon this health care discussion post, except this time in the US.

Please answer the following questions:

* Insured or uninsured? If insured, if you don't mind sharing who your health care provider is please do so.

* If insured, is the monthly cost reasonable?

* If uninsured, have you tried to get coverage but it was too expensive or were you rejected for ridiculous reasons? Please elaborate.

* How is the standard of your care?

* Can you get appointments with providers easily?

* Do you find your provider offering you a good selection of options?

* What about surgeries - how long does it take to schedule them?

* What about care for things like cancer, chemo, etc? Did you have to jump through hoops to get it, or was it easily available?

* What kind of overall cost do you see?

* Anything else you can think of?

Thanks. :)

eta: thanks for participating! i didn't get to go online before i left my house but from just skimming through the comments i think we have a pretty good representation of americans health care. i added another question for those of you who are uninsured. i hope more people will comment but what i've gathered so far is:
* having a good employer goes a long way
* many of you, like me, are still under a parents plan... when we get too old (for me it's 24) we'll either have to get a good job or buy our own
* some of you are uninsured but luckily don't get sick often/are in pretty good health, lucky bastards lol

as for me, my dad worked for verizon for 30 years and i'm covered under his blue cross blue shield. from what he tells me, they pay for a lot of things no problem. he complains sometimes, but i think he's satisfied overall.

discussion post, health care

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