And another birther comes out of the wood work...

Aug 24, 2009 15:04

At a health care town hall this weekend, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said he might file a lawsuit to have the president release his birth certificate.

Franks said there was not enough evidence that Obama is not an American citizen. He did say there was a lot of conflicting evidence of Obama's citizenship and that he was considering filing a lawsuit, the only congressman to do so. Franks asked why the president did not simply produce a birth certificate.

The Washington Independent's Dave Weigel points out that Franks' bold move is particularly surprising given that Franks has previously made a clear statement to guerilla video-blogger Mike Stark that the president was born in the United States and had a valid birth certificate.

HUFFPO has your source

Loving the double negative in that second paragraph... *facepalm*
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