Urban Outfitters Concern Trolling Once Again!

Jul 01, 2009 16:47

Here's their new "controversial" t-shirt:

Oh, hey, here is a hip T-shirt that basically guarantees the eventual retaking of Congress by the GOP in 2010. Much more subtle than previous efforts, Urban Outfitters!

Urban Outfitters founder and chairman Richard Hayne is, of course, an ultra-conservative billionaire who hates the gays and funnels millions to Republicans. But his money is probably less valuable to the party than his passion for "outfitting" America's worst young people in terrible shirts that make everyone hate liberal youths.

Ever since I found out Urban was owned by right wingers, I began shopping there much more often! I want to become rich funneling the money of stupid hipsters into GOP coffers too! Sure the shirt is rather fugly, but the more people that buy it, the more sucessful the RNC will be in 2010!

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