Call for action:

Jun 27, 2009 15:55

This is straight from gudbuytjane's original entry.

From This is not just appropriative or transphobic, it directly threatens the safety and privacy of trans women:

Our site cannot survive without your submissions!
Spot a tranny or suspected tranny around town? See a hot tranny mess? Observe a guidette in New Jersey with tranny style? Notice trannies on TV/Radio/Billboards? Find yourself at a Lady Gaga concert? WE WANT TO KNOW!

Remember, if you spot a tranny: snap your fingers, snap a pic, and e-mail those photos to: !

In light of the murders of trans women such as Gwen Araujo, Angie Zapata and others, it is indefensible to run a website that requests readers submit photos of trans women (or people they've read as trans women) without their consent and publicly out them. This site threatens the safety of every person they post a photo of. Please spread the word and take action.

  • Please contact and let them know this is NOT okay.
  • The site appears to be hosted via Blogger, so please enter a complaint against their hate speech and endangerment of the lives of trans women.
  • Please Twitter about it with the #trannyalertfail hash tag.
  • Please send complaints about their Facebook page.

ETA: To enter a complaint at Blogger, follow this link: (Thanks queersubversion!)

ETA2: TrannyAlert's response on Twitter: "Wow people really need to get a fucking sense of humor."

ETA3: If you have access please post about this on LJ trans communities, as this account isn't a member of any of them (and will have to wait for approval to post, etc.).

ETA4: This is actually posted on their site as a disclaimer. Yes, they actually link to the National Center for Transgender Equality:
This site is in no way meant to disparage or belittle any member of the LGBT community. We here at Tranny Alert are simply admirers of the bravery and uniqueness of the entire trans-community. While there is a comedic element to our site, under no circumstance do we condone any mistreatment of any member of the LGBT community and support full and equal rights for all. For more information please visit the National Center for Transgender Equality at

ETA5: This action has been picked up by GLAAD, and posted about on their blog! Keep up the good work, people, you are all AMAZING!

- gudbuytjane

Uh, "sense of humor"?

How about they get a fucking sense of what is HUMOR AND WHAT IS DEFAMING. And also, they need to get a clue that they are putting a great number of transsexual people, supposedly transsexual people - and even gay men in drag - into great pit of danger and harassment. BASTARDS. >:|

activism, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, internet/net neutrality/piracy

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