Mark Sanford's affair: It's Obama's fault!

Jun 25, 2009 18:00

SELF-PARODY WATCH.... I remember, when Enron and other corporate scandals first broke during Bush's first term, some conservatives argued that the scandals were Bill Clinton's fault -- not because of lax regulations, but because the Lewinsky scandal sent an "anything goes" signal to the nation, which in turn led business leaders to abandon their ( Read more... )

dont cry for me argentina 09, rush limbaugh, mark sanford, barack obama, republican party

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mercystars June 26 2009, 00:40:34 UTC
Color me surprised that he didn't blame Sanford's WIFE for this.


autumnleaving June 26 2009, 00:44:20 UTC
Was she not pretty enough?
Too soon? Inappropriate

Seriously though, what would a Limbaugh say about Sanford's wife? I just know Limbaugh gets frothy sometimes so it's hard to translate his wharrgarbl.


mercystars June 26 2009, 00:48:07 UTC
Usually when some righty gets caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, his wife gets the blame for being too bitchy, too controlling, too cold, too frigid, too fat, not sexy enough, paying more attention to the kids/her career/whatever, doing any number of things to make said righty gay, and oh the excuses go on and on and on.


autumnleaving June 26 2009, 04:00:04 UTC
Man, I was totally joking about the "too pretty" comment. It kinda sucks to know that I hit the nail on the head.


mercystars June 26 2009, 06:16:43 UTC
Yep, they're quite good at that.


erunamiryene June 26 2009, 02:14:57 UTC
t's hard to translate his wharrgarbl.

I have no idea why, but this struck me as hysterically funny. I think it's the onomatopoeia. XD


autumnleaving June 26 2009, 02:54:31 UTC
I blame fark.

... )


lone_concertina June 26 2009, 03:52:03 UTC
omfg lol


autumnleaving June 26 2009, 04:00:37 UTC
I know, bb. I'll be back again from hell, brb.


nothingmuch June 26 2009, 00:47:53 UTC
Oh heavens, no! She's a right-winger. He would only blame her if she was liberal.


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