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pansylove June 25 2009, 20:09:27 UTC
So right I'm guessing that Sanford is now listening to the Smiths in the dark.


mindrtist June 25 2009, 20:27:54 UTC
I'm so sorry
I-I-I I'm so sor-r-r-ry

Why do you come here
When you know it makes things hard for me ?
When you know, oh
Why do you come
Why do you telephone ? (Hmm...)
And why send me silly notes ?
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry

Why do you come here
When you know it makes things hard for me ?
When you know, oh
Why do you come ?
You had to sneak into my room
'just' to read my diary
"It was just to see, just to see"
(All the things you knew I'd written about you...)
Oh, so many illustrations
Oh, but
I'm so very sickened
Oh, I am so sickened now


pansylove June 25 2009, 20:37:18 UTC
He wears black on the outside because black is how he feels on the inside.


mindrtist June 25 2009, 20:49:35 UTC
No dude, it's a commentary on the world upheaval. He's just that sensitive, obv likes Country music and is concerned about his constituents.
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black,
Why you never see bright colors on my back,
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone.
Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on.

I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,
Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town,
I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,
But is there because he's a victim of the times.

I wear the black for those who never read,
Or listened to the words that Jesus said,
About the road to happiness through love and charity,
Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me.Well, we're doin' mighty fine, I do suppose ( ... )


pansylove June 25 2009, 20:57:47 UTC
Emo kids don't care about the world. They care what happening his their oppressive suburban upper middle class life and skinny jeans.

"My life is spiraling downward.
I couldn't get enough money to go to the
Blood Red Romance and Suffocate me dry concert.
It sucks 'cause they play some of my favorite songs
like "Stab My Heart Because I Love You" and
"Rip Apart My Soul" and of course,
"Stabby Rip Stab Stab".
And it doesn't help that I c


mindrtist June 25 2009, 21:08:01 UTC
I see these kids when I go to Robek's (smoothie place right by High School) and I laugh, laugh, laugh with my .mp3 player on so I don't have to listen to how much their lives suck. They might actually even know a Misfits song!

There's a song called "To lose my life" by White Lies that I like and I don't know why. It must speak to my soul.


pansylove June 25 2009, 21:14:01 UTC
I like Fall Out Boy. I remember when no one knew who they were. I remember when FOB actually had male fans and they were the most vocal fans. I remember when Peter Wentz wasn't so douchey. The good ole days aka 2002.


turtleyurtle1 June 25 2009, 21:23:38 UTC
I remember those days too.

...And TTTYG will always be an awesome album. Evening Out with your Girlfriend had a few good songs, but their second album was better imho.

Also, FOB put out a mix tape called 'Welcome to the New Administration.' and it was ttly worth it to be able to play The Hush Sound's 'We believe (in barack Obama) and FOB's 'ALPHAdog and OMEGAlomaniac' and Tyga's sample/remix of the Beach Boys 'California Girls'



pansylove June 25 2009, 21:27:34 UTC
I completely agree. TTTYG was all I listened to sophomore year. I really love their acoustic album as well.



lastrega June 25 2009, 21:31:20 UTC
But is his girlfriend in a coma?

Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - its serious
Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - its really serious

There were times when I could
Have murdered her
(but you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her)

No, I dont want to see her

Do you really think
Shell pull through ?
Do you really think
Shell pull through ?
Do ...

Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - its serious
My, my, my, my, my, my baby, goodbye

There were times when I could
Have strangled her
(but you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her)
Would you please
Let me see her !

Do you really think
Shell pull through ?
Do you really think
Shell pull through ?
Do ...
Let me whisper my last goodbyes

I know - its serious


mindrtist June 25 2009, 22:02:31 UTC
No, but I know that

The devil will find work for idle hands to do
I stole and I lied, and why ?
Because you asked me to !
But now you make me feel so ashamed
Because I’ve only got two hands
Well, I’m still fond of you, oh-ho-oh


randomneses June 25 2009, 20:40:39 UTC
The Smiths are too good for emos.


dystopia_dream June 25 2009, 20:45:17 UTC


pansylove June 25 2009, 20:52:13 UTC
True, but most emo kids are just some teenagers wearing too much black eyeliner. They will grow out of it. Then they will become pretentious indie kids, who will then listen to the Smiths.


schmiss June 25 2009, 21:39:48 UTC
Fifteen minutes with Maria, he wouldn't say no...people say he's easily led, and they're half right~


frohohaggins June 26 2009, 00:08:50 UTC
She can pin and mount him, like a ~butterfly~


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