Disgusting Anti-Gay 'Guest Column' in the Des Moines Register

Apr 29, 2009 11:49

Chuck Hurley's Iowa Family Policy Center is behind a disgusting "guest column" in the Des Moines Register by Karl and Judy Schowengerdt about their late son being "recruited into the homosexual lifestyle" and then dying of AIDS while the homosexuals who recruited him rejected him.

Here's just a bit of it:

"We knew the tests would leave no doubt, but there simply are no words to describe the pain of hearing your firstborn say, 'Dad, I'm HIV positive.' As a parent, nothing can prepare you for the loss of a child to a terminal illness. It's somehow worse when that illness resulted from your child's reckless decision and his own actions. Witnessing the daily physical deterioration of our son caused great pain and sadness to us as parents and on the extended family as well. It was interesting to note that once Randy was diagnosed HIV positive, the homosexual community who had actively recruited him and had claimed to be his 'family' were nowhere to be found. As his health declined, he spoke frankly about the homosexual experience. Randy said, 'It is not an alternate lifestyle. It is a cult.' For years, my wife and I have watched the media and homosexual activists work together to redefine family and marriage in our society."

And there's a video that comes with it.

To the Schowengerdts: I'm very sorry for the loss of your son but it's bigotry like yours which prevented the U.S. Government from recognizing AIDS and taking steps to curb it until far too late. No doubt your bigotry also prevented your own son from accepting who God made him. A very sad tale indeed.

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UPDATE:  This guy named Shane Vander Hart posted an entry about the Schowengerdts' article on his website.

Karl & Judy Schowengerdt are friends of my parents, and attend the church my family and I went to before I was an interim pastor.  Their son, Randy, who was involved in the homosexual lifestyle died as a result of complications caused by AIDS.  This was an extremely difficult time for them, and I am so thankful that they shared their experience.

Feel free to respond in his comments section. There are already a couple of rational people there.

iowa, homophobia

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