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screamingintune April 28 2009, 18:36:05 UTC
I fail to see how bad news for Republicans is not good news for Democrats.

Unless the other Democrats besides me aren't the spiteful, schadenfreude-y types.

And it's up to Pennsylvania Democrats to decide whether he's liberal enough. I don't think switching is such a sure victory for him, to be honest.


ubiquitous_a April 28 2009, 18:37:47 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

screamingintune April 28 2009, 18:57:35 UTC
well, in the sense that no, it does not necessarily mean it's time to expect everything in the Senate to go our way, it's STILL bad news for Republicans, which means it's STILL awesome news for Democrats. Because their failure feeds us!

Or rather, it feeds me. Nom nom nom.


worldmage April 28 2009, 19:15:21 UTC
I'm not especially spiteful or schadenfreude-y (usually), and I agree that bad news for them is good news for us.

The symbolism of the whole thing is powerful. He's just shown the country in no uncertain terms what we've known for years: that his former party has been completely hijacked by its farthest-right elements and there's no room left in it for compromise or common sense. He's basically yelled "ABANDON SHIP!!!" where everyone could hear him.

It might not lead to immediate repercussions for legislation (Specter's always been someone who voted his conscience and that's not changing anytime soon), but in a Big Picture sense Specter's defection is an epic kick in the GOP's balls.


mikkeneko April 28 2009, 19:18:15 UTC
I see bad news for the republicans as good news for everyone in so far that the more moderates the GOP sheds, the faster it will convulse itself into an implosion of deranged extremism, until it collapses in a black hole of noncredible wackjobs and is inevitably replaced by another, more centrist party which represents the sane conservatives in America.

I am trying to be fair here in allowing that there are plenty of people in the US whose political values differ from mine who nonetheless deserve non-crazy representation in the government.


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