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gmth April 28 2009, 18:35:24 UTC
This defection, coming at a time when historically low numbers of Americans are identifying themselves as Republican...

I read that as "defecation." I suppose that's apropos.

Why should the Democrats settle for a Liberdem when they can probably get Pennsylvanians to elect a mainline Democrat along the lines of Bob Casey?

Erm, Bob Casey is staunchly pro-life. I wouldn't call him a "mainline" Dem by any stretch. The point is a good one, though; while I'm thrilled Specter switched, I'd still like to see an actual honest-to-God Democrat run and win here.


schmiss April 28 2009, 19:36:54 UTC
Casey is still pretty middle of the road for a Dem.


apocalypsos April 28 2009, 19:57:42 UTC
I once saw one of those internet quizzes about, "You know if you're from ..." for Pennsylvania where one of the things on the list was, "You vote for pro-choice Republicans and pro-life Democrats."

And then I said, "Heh," and then I pouted 'cause ... yeah, we're fucked up, we totally do that shit all the time.


sentinelsoul April 28 2009, 20:08:44 UTC
LOL, yeah. As I tell anyone who visits, we do everything bass ackwards here. :P


arisma April 29 2009, 01:31:59 UTC
Your alcohol laws BOGGLE MY MIND.


sentinelsoul April 29 2009, 02:06:52 UTC
Trust me, we don't get them, either. It's why I'm glad I live so close to Maryland. =D


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