Short answer, no.

Apr 24, 2009 16:11

Pundits aside, of course, but who cares what they think.

Dick Cheney is at it again. This time the former vice president is criticizing Pres. Barack Obama on the economy. Cheney tells the F-word network that the president’s expansion of the federal government into the financial sector is likely to have “devastating” long-term effects.

He says he’s “very concerned” about where the Obama administration is taking the country economically. Cheney adds that there doesn’t seem to be any kind of limits on spending - this coming from a member of the administration that more than doubled the national debt in eight years and gave $700 billion to Wall Street with virtually no questions asked.

Cheney said beyond growing deficits, he questions if the White House is redefining the relationship between government and the private sector. These comments are just the latest in a string of criticism aimed at the sitting president.

Cheney has previously questioned Mr. Obama’s national security policies, saying the president is increasing the risk of another terror attack. And he’s also been very vocal in the debate over those Bush era interrogation memos.

Obama aides say the former vice president is out of line in his role as an elder statesman; but Cheney disputes that, saying he hasn’t been personal in his criticisms and he thinks these issues are too important not to speak out.

Note to the former vice president: you and your friends had eight years to run the country… and lots of people think you botched it up pretty good. Now it’s President Obama’s turn.

Here’s my question to you: Does anybody care what Dick Cheney thinks anymore?

Interested to know which ones made it on air?

Tim from Texas writes:
I care a lot about what Dick thinks. Dick speaks his mind. Dick’s morals are absolute. Ok, so his mind is warped and his morals are absolutely wrong, but I still care about what he thinks. Why? Because whenever Obama is unsure of himself, he only needs to ask “What would the former V.P. Cheney do?” Then if he does the complete opposite, we’ll all be just fine. Have a nice day, Jack.

Mark from Oklahoma City writes:
Jack, Whether you want to admit it or not, Bush and Cheney kept me and my family safe from terrorists for 7 years. Now the very people who kept us safe are the subject of an Obama-instigated “witch hunt.” And why? Because we they weren’t very nice to some terrorists who were planning to kill us. I still want to hear the former vice president, simply because HE, unlike our new president, has no apologies to make to terrorists or dictators who harbor terrorists!

Deb frim Reno, Nevada writes:
I couldn’t care less what Cheney thinks. Or says. He’s done more than enough to ruin this country and he should retire to a monastery and leave the rest of us alone. For someone who was complicit in activities that Nazis were hung for, he should slink away in shame.

Jeannine writes:
Yes, yes. I do care what Dick Cheney thinks and says. That is how we make informed decisions - listen to all sides of an issue.

Kathleen from New Jersey writes:
Only the media, because you keep reporting it. He’s like the nosey neighbor on Bewitched. From now on, you must call him Mrs. Kravitz or Gladys when reporting whatever paranoid delusion he comes up with.

Wendy writes:
I’m hoping either a grand jury or a special prosecutor will find what Cheney has to say very interesting.

jack cafferty, dick cheney

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