Harman had close ties to Bush White House

Apr 23, 2009 13:30

From the Ryan Dawson's anti-Neocons site, this is said to be a photo from 2006 of Congresswoman Jane Harman and Bush Homeland Security boss Michael Chertoff, a former prosecutor, out for a jog.

Anees of Jerusalem writes:
What's interesting about the Harman case to me is the mechanical difference in the pro-Israel roles of the two female players. Nancy Pelosi has always been vocal about her Israel love. Yet Harman's was a distinct loyalty role simply because she had influence over at the Republican White House. In the end they are both being played by the same lobby.
From a 2003 Salon piece, on how Pelosi chastised Howard Dean for simply calling for an "even-handed" approach to I/P:

[Howard] Dean's Israel troubles began at a Sept. 3 campaign event in Santa Fe, N.M. When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said that day, "It's not our place to take sides." Then, on Sept. 9, he told the Washington Post that America should be "evenhanded" in its approach to the region. The media and the Democratic establishment reacted as if Dean had called Yasser Arafat a man of peace. On Sept. 10, 34 Democratic members of Congress, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, wrote Dean an open letter. "American foreign policy has been -- and must continue to be -- based on unequivocal support for Israel's right to exist and to be free from terror ..." they wrote. "It is unacceptable for the U.S. to be 'evenhanded' on these fundamental issues ... This is not a time to be sending mixed messages; on the contrary, in these difficult times we must reaffirm our unyielding commitment to Israel's survival and raise our voices against all forms of terrorism and incitement."

neocons, israel, howard dean, jane harman

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