9 People Show Up To Protest Maine Gay Marriage Bill

Apr 20, 2009 14:15

Out-of-staters protest Maine gay marriage bill

BANGOR, Maine (AP) Nine men who said they were with a Pennsylvania-based group were in Bangor over the weekend protesting a gay marriage bill that has been proposed in the Maine Legislature.

The men stood at a busy intersection near the Bangor Mall on Saturday carrying signs and chanting slogans in support of traditional family values. The men told the Bangor Daily news they were members of the group American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property.

The group travels to states where same-sex marriage legislation is being considered, and made stops in Maine in Portland, Augusta and Bangor. During its two hours at its Bangor location, the group got both honks from supporters and hoots from opponents.

A daylong public hearing on Maine's bill is scheduled for Wednesday at the Augusta Civic Center.


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