And now a followup to the most important political story of the day: If You Seek Eric-gate.

Mar 26, 2009 21:00

Rep. Cantor speaks out on Britney concert

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor - among the unlikeliest attendees at a Britney Spears concert earlier this week in Washington - told CNN Thursday he went to the teen-dominated show for a political event, to "help the team."

"I had a political event there, and it was simply because it was there to help the team, that's why I was there," Cantor told CNN's Dana Bash.

According to a Republican aide, Cantor was specifically raising money at the concert for his political action committee, ERICPAC. The event was hosted by the Truckers Association, which has a box at the Verizon Center, where Spears was performing.

The Web site Wonkette first reported Cantor was spotted at the event, which took place as President Obama held a prime-time press conference.

Cantor told CNN the concert - part of the singer's "Circus" tour - was "quite a show."

"I hand it to the performer, she was something," he said.

The congressman also said his daughter was "really mad" he did not bring her to the concert. "She had school that day, and the next, and I wasn't going to bring her up here to miss it."


If it was for a political event then why did he claim that unspecified Senate Dems were there? HMMMMMMMMMMmmmmMmmmmmm? HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO?

music, celebrities, eric cantor

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