The curse on the DADA position has been lifted... hopefully.

Mar 25, 2009 18:31

Locke Confirmed as Commerce Secretary

The third try is, evidently, the charm for President Obama’s appointments to lead the Commerce Department. The Senate has just voted to confirm former Gov. Gary Locke of Washington to the post.

Mr. Obama’s first two nominees withdrew: Gov. Bill Richardson because of a pay-for-play investigation in his home state of New Mexico, and Senator Judd Gregg, a New Hampshire Republican, over philosophical differences and a dispute about control of the Census Bureau.

But after all that controversy, Mr. Locke breezed through, with the Senate approving his nomination by voice vote. That leaves only one outstanding cabinet appointment: Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas as Health and Human Services secretary.

Senator Patty Murray, Democrat from his home state, extolled his credentials and his background tonight in endorsing him for the post. “Governor Locke understands the importance of the American dream because he has lived it. His grandfather emigrated from China and worked as a servant just one mile from the governor’s mansion in Olympia that his grandson would one day call home.”

She also recalled a situation where he grilled her about legislation she was championing when she was in the state Senate and he was chairman of the appropriations committee.

In addition, Ms. Murray cited issues confronting the global economy, like climate change, and said: “One of the most critical jobs the Commerce Secretary performs is finding markets for American products and technologies. Governor Locke understands how important this is - and he knows how to do it successfully. As the two-term governor of the nation’s most trade-dependent state, he spent eight years breaking down trade barriers and promoting our American products - from airplanes, to apples, to operating systems. He has led numerous, successful delegations to our Asian trading partners to help build those relationships.”


Image found here (scroll down) for an ad he did for the Seattle Art Museum.

gary locke

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