Newsweek brings Teh Lulz w/ political spoof of "The City".

Mar 19, 2009 20:40

What if President Obama was the star of his own reality show like MTV's "The City?" Watch NEWSWEEK's original series to find out.

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Episode 2 | Barack's Friends Let Him Down
Episode 3 | They're Just Not That Into Me...
Episode 4 | Team Barack World Tour
Episode 5 | The After Show
Episode 6 | When Enemies Attack...
Episode 7 | Making Compromises...

SOURCE: Newsweek and YouTube

I know that Newsweek has put out an 'episode' every week for the last month, but I'm surprised no one posted these on ontd_political. In any case, these are BRILLIANT. Watch them.

Fair warning, though -- with the exception of the intro, episode 5 sucks. Its literally a self-parody of the real "After Show" program on MTV, using the real hosts. Not really a cleverly-executed concept, for whatever reason.

newsweek, lulz, satire

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