LMFAO. Conspiracy theory over Obama's gay scandal in The Globe?

Feb 28, 2009 16:54

This popped up in the Wordpress headlines.  Major head-desking and lulz ensued.

UPDATE! Three days and still “no news”. In fact, radicalfilms.co.uk seem to be the only ones talking about it. The Globe and The National Enquirer, among others, are run by American Media Inc (AM Inc). In fact, the Globe is a recent purchase. Here’s the wiki-page for it. The only link I can find is that of Roger Altman - former Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury, former Hilary-camp big-hitter, former advisor to John Kerry, and Graduate of The University Of Chicago Business School - who bought a controlling stake in AM Inc. in 1999.

Seems Altman has a hot and cold relationship with Obama, however, once being in the line up for Treasurer under Obama, and other times slinging mud at the new US President with the formidable tabloid vehicles The Globe and The Enquirer. Perhaps all that bailout money has finally started talking to EVERYBODY. Bush bought out the Senate, looks like Obama is trying to buy out the entire country (with It’s own money?!).

UPDATE! 10:31am - Read the google cache page here. Incendiary stuff.

How mysterious, indeed. Check this google search link and then try clicking on the globemagazine.com links at the top of the page. Nothing. It’s been like this for 48 hours, now.

Larry Sinclair is determined to publish his book, alleging Obama’s drug habits as well as homosexual activity (among other allegations of involvement in fraud and murder), despite consistent threats. One publisher, Aadvark Global Publishing, has received a constant stream of threats regarding the publication, currently pegged at #43 on the pre-order best-selling list at Barnes&Noble.com.

So what is going on? When will the site be back up? Will the article ever see the light of day? Will it hit the newspaper stands at all or has it already? Difficult to tell here in the UK. Is this damage control being meted out by Federal Operatives? Is this the future of information on the global internet? That is, if you have enough power you can simply take down an entire organisations website to prevent information leakage? Can we now confirm, for once and for all, that there exists Quasi-Federal/Corporate dominance over our media and information infrastructures? Where can this lead? I think we know.

Check these links regularly or try to get www.globemagazine.com at all. One can only imagine the current media furore going on behind closed doors.



lulz, stupid rumors, conspiracies

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