OCTO-MOM leaves hospital.. first interview to be with

Feb 05, 2009 18:34

Ann Curry of NBC's Today show?

no Oprah? ..and ...

NBC News spokeswoman Megan Kopf said Suleman was not paid for the interview.

so much for the $2M.


$165,000 In Disability Payments

Meanwhile, The Associated Press reported Thursday that a California state agency says it paid Suleman more than $165,000 in disability payments for an on-the-job back injury - and that she gave birth to most of her other six children during the time she was on disability.

The payments made over six years were disclosed Thursday following a public records request to the Department of Mental Health. The payments were made between 2002 and 2008.

Source : NPR

well.. at least now we know where some of that income was coming from... !

PS: There was no FREAK SHOW tag... !

ETA: it JUST GOT BETTER. turns out...BABY DADDY WANTED TO GET MARRIED, but MOM SAID NO so he has not been around much!
Angela says she is not at liberty to disclose the father of the octuplets, but she says that David Soloman -- the father of Nadya's first six children -- has not been around much.

"She was not married to David," Angela says. "That was her problem. He would have wanted to marry her. She is actually a beautiful woman. I don’t know what went wrong.

source for this hilarious twist.. the pillar of the Fourth Estate, US Magazine

ETA ONE MORE TIME ... she didn't file ONCE for disability.. it was THREE times in 1999 and 2001, and then in 2008

A California woman who recently gave birth to octuplets has filed at least two workman's compensation claims for injuries while employed as a psychiatric technician at a state mental hospital, records show.

The details of Nadya Suleman's first claim, for a 1999 injury, were not immediately available.

In 2001, Suleman, who also has six other children, filed a second claim with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board for "injury to neck, back and shoulders" from an "auto accident on commute for medical treatment," according to records obtained by ABC News. The records were first reported by the Los Angeles Times.

Though the details of Suleman's claims were not clear, Suleman's 2001 workman's compensation claim was filed because of a disagreement regarding liability for temporary disability indemnity, permanent disability indemnity, reimbursement for medical expense, medical treatment, compensation at proper rate and rehabilitation, according to the Workers' Compensation Board documents.

The documents list her income as "max," meaning she earned at least $490 a week, according to the state Division of Workmans' Compensation.

Additional records cited by the L.A. Times show that, on Sept. 25, 2008, a petition was filed to compel Suleman to attend a medical exam with "petition to terminate liability for temporary disability indemnity."

source : ABC news

*sorry my bad.. I just found this out, NPR didn't go into it in their brief article.

you stay classy, nbc

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