Oh bb, you know just what I like to hear.

Jan 26, 2009 21:26

Matt Damon: Bill Kristol "An Idiot," Bond A "Misogynist Sociopath"

Matt Damon gave an interview to his local Miami Herald speaking out against, among other things, Bill Kristol, torture and James Bond. Damon has done his research, having played Jason Bourne in the "Bourne" trilogy and starring in two CIA movies, "The Good Shepherd" and "Syriana."
"The small talk -- if that's the right phrase -- ranged from which New York Times columnist is the worst (conservative William Kristol, according to Damon: ''He's an idiot -- he wrote that we should be grateful to George Bush because he won the Iraq war. We! Won! The! War!'') to the proper place of torture in American foreign policy.

''Look, the best line about torture I've heard came from [retired CIA officer turned war-on-terrorism critic] Milt Beardon,'' Damon says. ``He said, `If a guy knows where a dirty bomb is hidden that's going to go off in a Marriott, put me in a room with him and I'll find out. But don't codify that. Just let me break the law.'

He also said what he thinks of James Bond:
''They could never make a James Bond movie like any of the Bourne films,'' Damon says scornfully. "Because Bond is an imperialist, misogynist sociopath who goes around bedding women and swilling martinis and killing people. He's repulsive."

And he explained why he missed Obama's inauguration after campaigning on his behalf:
''Luciana and I decided we wanted to go,'' he admits. 'But when I called my contacts from the campaign, they just started laughing: `We worked on the campaign for 2 ½ years, and we're not going. Forget it.' But then they called me back the next day and said, 'Hey, we've got two tickets for you, in the bleachers, and you'll actually be able to see Obama take the oath. Just $25,000 apiece.' So I'm going to watch. From my couch.''


Team America references to the left.

Oh and Kristol wants to debate Damon now. God, if you're out there, please let this happen.

torture, celebrities, bill kristol

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