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schexyschteve January 19 2009, 03:18:19 UTC
I like the Axelrod uses complete sentences. :)

I wonder if they do visit LJ? Or ontdp?


caterfree10 January 19 2009, 06:22:41 UTC
I wouldn't minded if they visited ONTD_P. We stay somewhat sane over here. It's places like Rahmbamarama I don't think I'd want the White House to know about. O.o


schexyschteve January 19 2009, 06:28:22 UTC
I wonder how they'd feel about places like obama_daily and biden_daily where we objectify show love for our president-elect and VP-elect? ;)



jaded110 January 19 2009, 14:08:12 UTC
Hopefully they'd be flattered.


caterfree10 January 19 2009, 15:26:52 UTC
Those places aren't nearly as bad as our insanity over at Rahmbamarama where we have fics of every rating and pairing. Mostly of the PG13 or higher variety. >_> at least Obama_daily and Biden_daily don't have RPF/RPS.

HEE, I CANNOT WAIT~! 8DDD I so wish I could take the day off from school tomorrow so I can watch! IT IS GOING TO BE EPIC! So I'll probably catch what I can on the TVs in the Library's cafe between classes. *nod*


schexyschteve January 20 2009, 02:17:06 UTC
Tomorrow is the one day I start work early (at 9a). I work at a daycare, so no TV. Then I have class from 6p-9p, so no watching their either. Luckily, I might be able to listen on the radio.


caterfree10 January 20 2009, 02:41:43 UTC
I don't know if I'll even have access to a radio. I'm hoping I can take advantage of the wireless internet on campus between classes so I can watch on CNN.


schexyschteve January 20 2009, 03:26:58 UTC
Our director said she might pull all the kids into the office so we can all watch it on the computer. *crosses fingers*

Good luck to you too!


caterfree10 January 20 2009, 04:33:10 UTC
Sounds like a plan that should pass! :D

And luck to anyone and everyone who has classes tomorrow!!


ladyanneboleyn January 19 2009, 18:22:34 UTC
Yeah... Some of them I wouldn't worry about (Colbert, for instance, has a fanfiction section on his official website so I think he'd be totally cool with it), and I'm sure Barack would just be like, "Eh, people do crazy shit," but sometimes I wonder about what Rahm and some others would think. (It makes me sad to think of Anderson finding us because he would probably just sit in a corner and cry of embarrassment.)

It's odd, though; I don't mind speculating about them finding us. It really bothers some people but I kind of like wondering about awkward or uncomfortable things like that, so. XD


caterfree10 January 19 2009, 20:23:11 UTC
I know that there are some people who don't care (I think Elijah Wood knows about RPF about him and doesn't mind), but it's like, sometimes I have to wonder. I dunno, I guess I just like to think of the fandom as separate from RL so I don't connect them often unless I'm connecting a fandom involving some form of fiction (mostly to help myself study XD)

LOL, I guess it's just a RL version of "Characters discover deviantART." *Giggles at the thought*


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