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Dec 10, 2008 14:40

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Hannity Giddy Over Blagojevich Indictment

Predictably, Sean Hannity was positively giddy with bullyboy glee last night (12/9/08) over what he perceived as an opportunity to link Barack Obama to the Rod Blagojevich indictment. Never mind that Hannity & Colmes guests Karl Rove and Mike Huckabee each indicated otherwise. Hannity seized upon a supposed contradiction in statements by Obama and his spokesman, David Axelrod, and didn't bother to hide his enthusiasm as he said, “That needs to be looked into, doesn't it?” If Hannity had bothered to look into it, himself, he would have discovered that an Obama aide said that Axelrod had misspoken and that Axelrod, himself, had said the same thing.


fox news, sean hannity, david axelrod, barack obama, rod blagojevich

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