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icymorning December 8 2008, 21:11:27 UTC
Suddenly such fundamental historical achievements like the separation of powers, freedom of the press and the protection of minorities are at stake in France today.


Gah, I've been ranting about this ever since the election - and a couple of years beforehand, since 2004 basically when he transformed France into a police state thanks to his brand new re-armed riot police with extended duties and extended custody time.

I hate this guy so much - this is the man who said he applauded Putin's commitment to human rights and who's best friends with Berlusconi. This should have been a big clue to the French but no, they didn't, they saw him as a savior. And those are the same who pointed a big accusatory finger at the US for renewing Bush's mandate in 2004. Pot, meet kettle.

Worst part is that, a little over a year after his election, his popularity rates are plummetting, no one takes him seriously and every single one of his comments is welcome with snark - but there is NO OPPOSITION PARTY. The left-wing radicals/socialists are just too busy biting each other's heads off in a corner to care about what's going on in Paris.

I'll stop here otherwise I'll be ranting for the next decade or so.


schmiss December 8 2008, 21:15:56 UTC
he applauded Putin's commitment to human rights



icymorning December 8 2008, 21:26:41 UTC
Shortly after his election, at the 2007 G8 summit - you may remember that wonderful meeting thanks to this video of him doing a press conference punch drunk? (it's here if you missed it).

This article (in french, sorry) actually details a 2007 meeting between Putin and Sarkozy in Russia during which Sarkozy, after following Merkel's attacks on Moscow, specifically on the Chechnya topic, said that he had a "fascinating, passionating, and frank" talk with Putin and said that their "positions were extremely close and [they] really felt they were on the same wavelength".


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