The 10 Sexiest Everyday Men Of 2008

Nov 19, 2008 16:36

1. Barack Obama
It's ok, you can admit it, power is sometimes an aphrodisiac - though Barack Obama has that, now, in addition to looks, obvious intellect, political skills, rhetoric prowess and the kind of physical chemistry with his wife that makes you know he's good in the sack. Henry Kissinger doesn't have anything on the President-Elect.

2. Rahm Emanuel
Former Congressman, former banker, former White House staffer, former ballet dancer - Rahm Emanuel's done a little bit of everything, and variety is the spice of life. He might be "just" the Chief-of-Staff to be, but plenty of lusty ladies would like to be the women in charge of his staff. In spite of - or maybe because of - his reputedly volcanic temper, dirty mouth and really big... brain, looking at him in this picture, you know he's thinking something naughty, and you want him to show you what it is.

3. Reggie Love
Never has the personal aide (or, um, "body man") to a President-Elect come fitted with such a porn-perfect name or the face and physique to make you wish he'd gotten a spread in Playgirl before it went belly-up. By all accounts, he's a nice guy, but, honestly, he could be kind of a prick and we'd still want to see what's under those tailored suits.

4. Nate Silver
Nerd hottie extraordinaire Nate Silver has appeared in one of these lists before, but his hotness still holds. The founder of is still using his sexy brain to crunch some decidedly unsexy numbers, but he always puts the lie to the right-wing meme that left bloggers are a bunch of Cheetoh-eating slobs in their pajamas in their mother's basements. But if he'd like to put some sexy PJs on and explore, um, downstairs just to check out what it's like in Mama's basement, I'm sure we could work out some sort of arrangement.

5. Ezra Klein
Ezra Klein - dubbed "America's sexiest health policy analyst" - has one of the biggest... brains among Washington blogger types and is a stand-out man (and feminist) in an often female-dominated policy field. Although they're hidden by his suit in this picture, his tan-and-very-toned arms and, one assumes, chest will definitely banish all thoughts of Cheetos from the mind of his average heterosexual female colleague. Although it feels weird to continue cracking sex puns about someone I've met, I have no actual shame and have it on good authority that there's nothing klein about Ezra.
Next 5...

rahm emanuel, sexual objectification of politicians, barack obama, nate silver taught numbers how to fuck

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