The Homosexuals Finally Get It Right

Nov 19, 2008 19:36

Showcasing a photo that could have been taken any day of the week, bigoted blog Dakota Voice highlights no-shows at Rapid City, South Dakota Prop 8 rally: "I don't usually have a whole lot of good things to say about homosexual activists around Rapid City or anywhere else for that matter; I just don't find anything to appreciate about undermining the moral fiber of society, undermining marriage and family, and legitimizing a lifestyle fraught with health hazards. But it looks like the homosexual community in the Rapid City area has opted for a responsible stance on Proposition 8...and stayed home. Some homosexual activists have been after me to say just one thing positive about homosexuals. Here you go. Credit where credit is due. Marriage and representative democracy are important, and we should respect both. I'm glad the homosexual community in Rapid City did."

Well, the folks in Grand Forks, North Dakota didn't stay at home.

lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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