Greta Gushes That Palin ‘Stole The Show This Week’ At The RGA Conference

Nov 15, 2008 14:06

For months, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren has been one of Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) biggest fans, conducting more intimate interviews with her than any other member of the media. Van Susteren’s most recent series of interviews with Palin revealed little beyond what to do when a mama moose attacks, how many caribou Palin has shot, and what household crafts the Palin children like best.
As News Hounds noted, Van Susteren continued to gush over Palin last night, devoting a segment to showing how popular the Alaskan was at the Republican Governors Association (RGA) convention this past week:
VAN SUSTEREN: The election may be over but governor Sarah Palin is not going anywhere. Senator McCain’s running mate continues to dominate headlines. Governor Palin stole the show this week at the GOP governor’s conference. […]
VAN SUSTEREN: Not that we measure necessarily who is going to be the best president by whose got the most cameras chasing himself or herself. But when you saw those other governors down walk the hall, Governor Crist and Governor Pawlenty, did they have the paparazzi following them? […]
VAN SUSTEREN: You know something interesting, Patricia, I don’t remember ever the national media going to one of these Republican Governor Association meetings. Maybe they do, but I just don’t ever remember. Do you know if your paper ever covered one before?

Van Susteren’s guest, Patricia Mazzei of the Miami Herald, tried to insist that other “rising stars” of the GOP also attracted considerable media attention, but she failed to deter van Susteren from her Palin-mania. Watch it:

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It’s not surprising that Palin received considerable media attention last week, since it was one of her first public appearances since the election. However, there was plenty of evidence that many Republicans don’t see her as the rising star that Greta does. Many governors have publicly been reluctant to embrace Palin as a 2012 candidate, saying that she is not the “future of the party.” Others were even reluctant to say whether she helped the McCain ticket in the election.
Additionally, on Thursday, the RGA announced its new leadership lineup, featuring big names such as Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. Missing from that list? Palin.

fox news, sarah palin / palin family, greta van susteren, journalism

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