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Nov 05, 2008 10:58

the election results* maps:

on the electoral-vote map, look at all the pink in the south and in big sky country. look at the pink in AZ. and note that although both these maps have georgia called for mccain, apparently they haven't yet counted a good chunk of the early votes (according to nate silver). note that NE-2 is still too close to call. note that indiana, virginia, florida and north carolina are blue. the senate is at 56-40, with 4 states still too close to call. the house is at 258-177. the victory is great, and it belongs to dr. dean and his 50-state strategy. despite still losing red states, gains have been made. john mccain will lose his seat in AZ in 2010. ted stevens is gone from politics, one way or another. CT is ready to see the back of joe lieberman. we may very well be looking at the blue states of AZ, ND, GA and MO in 2012. maybe even MT and WV. dr. dean's vindication is so sweet.

40-odd years ago, after signing into law the civil rights and voting rights acts, LBJ noted that the dems were about to lose the south for a generation. well it looks like the end of that generation is coming in fits and spurts, like the pebbles ahead of the avalanche. in the reddest states of the old jim crow south, the black man cracked 40% of the vote. the guard is changing. but there is still so much left to do.

even as america elected its first black president, gay marriage bans passed in 3 states of the union, including the cultural bellweather of california. a gay adoption ban passed in arkansas. there are now 27 states that have codified hatred and discrimination in their constitutions. the haters have a new target, and GLBT people are it.

i am proud and happy that the US has elected president barack obama. the best man for the job, and the right man for the time. now hold his feet to the fire. you got him there. you put your time, money and energy into him. don't think that the election is the end, it's only the beginning.

electoral map

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