The REAL Obamatron:

Nov 03, 2008 10:16

Obama's opponents may call his supporters Obamabots, Obamatrons, Change-a-nators, um.... Obommy the Robot? Anyway, they have the right of it in one case, at least:

'ObamaBot' Campaigns on Wheels at the U. of Florida

No presidential candidate has yet courted the robot vote, but a six-foot-tall humanoid with a square head, flashing eyes, and a Barack Obama T-shirt is campaigning this week at the University of Florida.

Three engineering students - Camilo Buscaron, a sophomore; Bryan Hood, a junior; and Andres Vargas, a graduate student - built ObamaBot in two weeks with spare parts and $250 of their own money, according to The Independent Florida Alligator, the university’s campus newspaper.

The robot is operated by remote control. It stands on a Segway-style powered wheelbase and can rotate 360 degrees, as well as wave its arms (and the campaign signs attached to them).

“We’re trying to get people aware of the early voting and get people to vote who wouldn’t have voted otherwise,” Mr. Hood told the Alligator. “We all know that robots represent change and the future.”

Mr. Hood hopes to endow his robot with a more-human head and voice-activation software that will let it proclaim campaign slogans to passersby, the Alligator reported.

Source #1
Source #2
Where I actually found out about it. NPR ftw, baby!

voting, barack obama

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