Two Quit Call Center Jobs Over Anti-Obama Robocalls
At least two people have quit their jobs at call centers over scripts that accuse Barack Obama of working closely with Bill Ayers. The Charleston Gazette
reports on a woman in West Virginia:
Chaylee Cole, a student at Fairmont State University, lost her part-time job in Weston last Friday after refusing to make telephone calls attacking Barack Obama.
McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee were paying for the calls, according to a "work paper" handed to Cole and her co-workers at the Weston offices of 1.2.1 Direct Response, a company based in Philadelphia.
"I was working at the call center," Cole said. "We got a campaign ad talking about how Obama had been part of terrorist attacks on the Capitol, the Pentagon and a judge's home and had ties with Bill Ayers.
"Last Thursday, I told them I did not want to read it," Cole said. "They said, 'Either you read it or you go home.'
"I told them I wasn't going to read it. They made me go home without pay for the rest of the day."
"I talked to one of our 'coaches,' which is what our supervisors were called. I said I was unhappy with the situation and I quit," she said Tuesday.
finds a man in Wisconsin:
Voters in more than 13 states, including Wisconsin are getting calls from people accusing Barack Obama of having ties to terrorists. Some of those calls are made from right here in Madison.
A local man made dozens of calls bashing Barack Obama, but when the campaign got ugly, he quit his job.
Zoromski said, "This was different than I was told I was going to be saying, and [Sitel] said the script changes on a daily basis."
So Zoromski quit, fed up with what he perceived as scare tactics.
SOURCE So have they now gone on record as saying Obama is a terrorist? Because that's what the first story looks like to me.