US blocks vote on UN's bid for global ceasefire over reference to WHO

May 08, 2020 19:11

US blocks vote on UN's bid for global ceasefire over reference to WHO

Security council had spent weeks seeking resolution but Trump administration opposed mention of organization

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science does not work that way, factcheck, clusterfuck, world health organization, science, god save us from your followers, donald trump, medicine

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soleiltropiques May 12 2020, 04:35:02 UTC
Another important point is that the U.S. is still (or was until Trump decided not to fund the WHO any longer) the largest donor to the WHO.(1, 2) So they still have considerable influence, which was an important part of my point.

...You are of course correct that in China, anti-smoking gains have been reversed of late, largely because of China Tobacco Corp.(3)

1. What influence does China have over the WHO? (
2. Contributors. By Contributor. (
3. In China, industry push-back stubs out anti-smoking gains. (


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