Australia waters down Pacific Islands plea on climate crisis

Aug 21, 2019 19:04

Forum’s chair describes leaders’ 12 hours of talks as ‘very, very tough struggle’

Australia stands in opposition to other Pacific Islands nations after distancing itself from language calling for urgent action on climate change at a regional meeting in Tuvalu.

Eighteen leaders including Australia’s Scott Morrison, New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern and Fiji’s Frank Bainimarama met for almost 12 hours at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), and its chair, Enele Sopoaga, the Tuvaluan prime minister, described the talks as “a very, very tough, difficult struggle”.

Some attending nations had hoped all 18 members would commit to policies to limit temperature rises to no more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, but the leaders agreed to an opt-out from specific measures they opposed.

A communique was passed with a qualification saying not all countries supported a strong statement issued by a group of small island Pacific states earlier in the week, which had called for an immediate global ban on the construction of new coal-fired power plants and coalmines and for all countries to rapidly phase out use of coal in the power sector.

Asked after the session if the qualification had come from a country starting with the letter A, Sopoaga laughed and said: “Yeah, absolutely.” Australia is the only such nation in the 18.

Morrison refused to be drawn about whether Australia was responsible for the qualification. “It’s not incumbent on any member state to endorse that statement, it’s a statement of the small Pacific states,” he said.

All references to coal were removed from the communique and the climate change statement, though references to the “climate change crisis”, which Sopoaga had earlier told the Guardian were disputed and looked likely to be replaced with “climate change reality”, remained.

Greenpeace said Australia’s plans to water down the communique could make it “the pariah of the Pacific”. Joseph Moeono-Kolio, the group’s head of Pacific, said: “How does Morrison reconcile calling the Pacific family while he persistently ignores our demands for Australia to reduce its emissions?”

The low-lying Pacific islands are on the frontline of the climate crisis, battling rising sea levels and related problems that have forced some residents to move to higher ground.

Ardern warned Australia on Wednesday that it would have to answer to the Pacific for its climate change policy.

Other Pacific leaders have repeatedly called for Australia to move away from coal. Bainimarama appealed to Canberra on Monday to “do everything possible to achieve a rapid transition from coal to energy sources that do not contribute to climate change”. He said coal posed an “existential threat” to Pacific islands.

Morrison brought a lump of coal into the Australian parliament in 2017 when he was treasurer and taunted the opposition, saying to jeers from other members of his own party: “This is coal. Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared. It won’t hurt you, it’s coal.”

Morrison’s Liberal party has voiced support for the Carmichael coalmine planned for the Galilee Basin in Queensland, which is forecast to create annual emissions similar to those from countries such as Malaysia and Austria and more than those of New York City.

In Tuvalu, which could be uninhabitable within decades as a result of rising sea levels, Sopoaga expressed disappointment with the result of the communique, saying: “I think we should have done more work for our people.”

He urged leaders to focus on “survival, not saving the economies of countries”.

Source: The Guardian

Pacific islands will survive climate crisis because they 'pick our fruit', Australia's deputy PM says

Exclusive: Michael McCormack says island nations want Australia to shut down industry ‘so they can survive’

Pacific island nations affected by the climate crisis will continue to survive “because many of their workers come here to pick our fruit”, Australia’s deputy prime minister has said.

Michael McCormack’s comments were made after critical talks at the Pacific Islands Forum that almost collapsed over Australia’s positions on coal and climate change.

Fears are growing the situation might come at a diplomatic cost for Australia in a region where China has become increasingly influential.

McCormack, who has been the acting prime minister while Scott Morrison attended the forum in low-lying Tuvalu, attended a business function in Wagga Wagga on Friday.

“I also get a little bit annoyed when we have people in those sorts of countries pointing the finger at Australia and say we should be shutting down all our resources sector so that, you know, they will continue to survive,” he said.

“They will continue to survive, there’s no question they’ll continue to survive and they’ll continue to survive on large aid assistance from Australia.

“They’ll continue to survive because many of their workers come here and pick our fruit, pick our fruit grown with hard Australian enterprise and endeavour and we welcome them and we always will.

“But the fact is we’re not going to be hijacked into doing something that will shut down an industry that provides tens of thousands of jobs, that provides two-thirds of our energy needs ... and I’m only talking coal, let alone all of our other resources.”

The acting opposition leader, Richard Marles, said on Friday evening: “These are ignorant comments from the acting prime minister and he should know better”.

On Friday afternoon, before McCormack’s comments were made public, the former prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, told ABC Radio National that Australia must show respect to the Pacific and its concerns about the impact of global heating.

“Climate change and the consequences of it are an existential matter for the Pacific,” Turnbull said.

“If you are a Pacific islander and your home is going to be washed away by rising sea levels caused by global warming then this is not a political issue, it’s an existential one.

“So it’s critically important that we show respect to the Pacific islanders and that we are seen to be helping climate change, both in reducing our emissions as part of a global effort, and of course as we do providing them with substantial resources to adapt to climate change.”

McCormack’s comments were made in response to a question from Trudi Beck, a local general practitioner who has been campaigning in Wagga Wagga for action on climate change.

Beck’s Friday protests, on the lawn outside McCormack’s electorate office, have become increasingly prominent. Last month, Guardian Australia reported comments McCormack made to Beck disputing evidence of global heating.

Beck questioned McCormack at the function on Friday and said she felt “embarrassed” by Australia’s lack of urgency during Pacific talks.

“I’ve never been embarrassed to be Australian and I never will,” McCormack responded.

“I’m proud of the fact that we’ve just given another $500m to our Pacific island neighbour friends.

“The fact is we went to our election with our policies writ large. So we will put our policies in place. What we won’t do is we won’t listen to the Bob Browns of the world and say we should be shutting down our resources sector. We won’t say that we should be ashamed of those people who wear hi-vis vests.

“I will always be a proud Australian who will defend those industries and we will not be de-industrialising Australia.”

McCormack’s comments are not the first time a senior member of the government has been recorded making controversial remarks about the impact of climate change in the Pacific. In 2015, the then immigration minister, Peter Dutton, was caught by a live microphone joking with Morrison and the then prime minister, Tony Abbott, about rising sea levels.

Source: The Guardian

climate change, australia, incompetence

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