Obama Raised Record $150 Million in September

Oct 19, 2008 04:10

The Obama campaign announced this morning that it had raised a record $150 million last month, and had added 632,000 new donors to its total.

The amount raised shattered the campaign’s record from August. The McCain campaign also had a record-breaking month in August, but is now operating with the $84 million provided by public financing for the general cycle and assistance from the Republican National Committee under certain limits.

In announcing the Obama figure, David Plouffe, the campaign manager, said the average donation for September was less than $100. Mr. Obama, however, did hold several mega fund-raisers in September that pumped millions of dollars each into his coffers, including a Barbra Streisand-Hollywood event that alone collected a reported $11 million.

All counted, 3.1 million people have contributed to his campaign, Mr. Plouffe said.

Mr. Obama decided to forgo public financing for the general cycle, while Mr. McCain opted into it.

Further details will be available once the formal filings are submitted to the Federal Election Commission for September.
source: NYTimes

fundraising, colin powell, barack obama

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