when u change a vote u can change teh state of virginia

Dec 19, 2017 18:55

One-vote recount win gives Democrats tie in Virginia state House

A single vote in Newport News, Virginia, is set to give Democrats partial control of the state's House of Delegates and could help the party pass Medicaid expansion next year.

After a recount conducted Tuesday, Democrat Shelly Simonds had 11,608 votes to Republican incumbent David Yancey's 11,607 votes in Virginia's 94th House District. Simonds' apparent victory - which will head to a judicial panel on Wednesday for certification - means Democrats and Republicans will have an even 50-50 split in the House of Delegates and will have to share power when the Legislature begins its next term in January.

Democrats surged back to power in Richmond on Election Day, with Gov.-elect Ralph Northam earning a 9-point victory over Republican Ed Gillespie and the party making unexpectedly large gains in the battle for the House of Delegates, especially in Northern Virginia and the Richmond suburbs. Republicans previously held a 66-34 advantage in the House, and Democrats have picked up 16 seats. Republicans have held majorities in the House of Delegates since the 1990s.

A power-sharing agreement in the House could help Democrats fulfill their long-standing goal of expanding Medicaid coverage in the state. Outgoing Gov. Terry McAuliffe has pushed for expansion, only for the state's GOP-dominated Legislature to reject his pleas. In a statement, the Democratic leader in the House of Delegates made clear he hoped Simonds' win would lead to Medicaid expansion.

"We are one vote closer to expanding Medicaid and extending access to affordable health care to nearly 400,000 people," Del. David Toscano said. "Let’s get this done."

Northam ran on a pledge to expand Medicaid - but he faced fierce backlash from progressives recently after telling The Washington Post that he was willing to negotiate with Republicans on the details of expansion and was worried about the cost of the program spiraling out of control.

Northam later released a statement, reiterating his support of the program, which would provide health care to roughly 400,000 additional people in the state.

"I have and will continue to advocate for Medicaid expansion because it is a no-brainer for Virginia families, our budget and our economy," he said. "We can also come together on smart policy choices that will allow us to deliver better care at lower cost."

Northam’s suggestion of managed care for Medicaid matches what several other states, especially those with divided government, have done to control costs and coordinate care.

During the gubernatorial campaign, Northam also pledged to offer free community college to students who committed to a year of public service and other conditions, to promote the use of clean energy and to protect K-12 education funding in the state.

Yancey led by 10 votes heading into Tuesday's recount. Democrats were exuberant about the results: "EVERY. VOTE. MATTERS.," Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine tweeted.

Simonds, who previously ran for the seat in 2015 and lost, credited a surge of Democratic enthusiasm for the upset victory.

"What a difference this is from 2015 when I ran before," she said. "Everyone came out and we rocked this town. I want to thank everyone who supported us over the course of this campaign. Whether it was knocking on doors, posting on social media or donating a few dollars, it all made a difference and added up to an amazing outcome on Election Day."

Republicans have conceded in the contest and admitted they won’t hold a majority in 2019.

“The responsibilities of the House of Delegates as an institution transcend party labels, and our obligations to govern this Commonwealth remain,” said Kirk Cox, who was expected to become House Speaker if the GOP retained its majority. “As we have said for the last six weeks, we are committed to leading and governing alongside our colleagues. We must balance the budget, grow our economy, improve our schools, and fight the opioid crisis, to name a few of the tasks before us.”

Democrats still have a slim chance at flipping one additional seat. A recount is scheduled next week for a district in Fredericksburg, where the Republican leads by just 83 votes. While the recount is unlikely to change the outcome, Democrats have argued for a re-vote because more than 800 voters in the district were given incorrect ballots.

Republicans hold a 21-19 advantage in the state Senate, which isn't up for reelection until 2019.

politican you see what i did

The recount officers have found one ballot that has both candidates marked but are leaning on it being a vote for the R. Meaning the district is in a tie, and could possibly be decided via a coin flip.

I really did not intend to use "electoral malfeasance" seriously here.

god damn, electoral malfeasance, get thee to a nunnery/monastery, virginia, shit just got real, elections

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