When will Trump answer for his actions?

Nov 30, 2017 16:12

Trump Keeps Denying His Sexual Misconduct, But Calls Out Other Alleged Predators

He still claims all the women who accuse him are liars, and now reportedly says the "Access Hollywood" tape is fake.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump on Wednesday quickly responded to the abrupt firing of longtime “Today” show host Matt Lauer after a sexual misconduct allegation, attacking NBC with his favorite anti-media smear.

Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News. Check out Andy Lack’s past!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2017

Trump has been quick to seize on sexual misconduct allegations against others when it doesn’t hurt him politically. He went after Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) less than a day after news anchor Leeann Tweeden said Franken groped and inappropriately kissed her.

But when allegations touch an ally ― or himself ― Trump turns away. The president repeatedly dodged questions about Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused by multiple women of preying on teenage girls when he was district attorney and in his 30s.

When Trump finally weighed in on Moore ― nearly two weeks after the first accounts of the candidate’s past ― the president wouldn’t say whether he believed the women. Moore “totally denies it,” Trump said.

It was a page from his own playbook. Trump continues to deny accusations of his own sexual misconduct. More than a dozen women who have come forward against Trump are lying, the White House says.

And now, Trump is trying to cast doubt on recorded evidence of misconduct: the infamous 2005 “Access Hollywood” video that caught him bragging about sexually assaulting women to the show’s host, Billy Bush.

The New York Times reported this week that in the year since his election, the president has privately claimed that the tape was fabricated. During the campaign, after the tape surfaced, Trump acknowledged his lewd remarks and issued a rare apology - though he tried to downplay the boasts as “locker room talk.”

NBC fired Bush after the release of the tape.

Weeks later, Trump was elected president.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders this week pointed to Trump’s victory, dodging reporters’ questions about whether he believes the tape is fake.

“This was litigated and certainly answered during the election by the overwhelming support for the president and the fact that he’s sitting here in the Oval Office today,” Sanders said Monday. “He’s made his position on that clear at that time, as have the American people.”

The Trump allegations

A list of the sexual misconduct accusations made against Donald Trump. He has denied the allegations

A growing list of powerful men have faced serious consequences for sexual misconduct allegations but the most powerful one of all has faced none. Instead Donald Trump's official position, as his spokeswoman Sarah Sanders recently clarified in a White House press briefing, is that the 20 women accusing him of assault and harassment are lying. Trump has also suggested some were not attractive enough for him to want to sexually assault. As the conversation around sexual conduct continues to evolve, and new abusers are revealed, here are the cases against the president.

“He was like an octopus … His hands were everywhere.”
Jessica Leeds

Age: 38
Year: 1980s
Location: A first-class cabin of a plane

Leeds alleges Trump groped grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. Source: The New York Times

"I referred to this as a ‘rape’, but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense."
Ivana Trump

Age: 40
Year: 1989
Location: The master bedroom of the Trump Tower triplex

In a divorce deposition, Trump's first wife used "rape" to describe an incident that transpired between them. After a settlement was reached, and the rape allegation became public in a 1993 book, Ivana softened the claim. As part of her nondisclosure agreement, she is not allowed to discuss her marriage to Trump without his permission. Source: Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J Trump

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“He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again.”
Jill Harth

Age: Early 30s
Year: 1993
Location: One of the children's bedrooms at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate

A former business partner, Harth alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips and groped her breasts and grabbed her genitals, in what she referred to in a 1997 lawsuit as "attempted rape". On a previous occasion, she alleges, he groped her under the table during dinner with colleagues at the Plaza Hotel. Source: The Guardian

"He did touch my vagina through my underwear."
Kristen Anderson

Age: Early 20s
Year: Early 1990s
Location: China Club, a Manhattan nightclub

Anderson alleges Trump put his hand up her skirt and touched her genitals through her underwear. Source: The Washington Post

“[Trump] stuck his head right underneath their skirts.”
Lisa Boyne

Age: 25
Year: 1996
Location: A New York restaurant

Boyne alleges Trump insisted the female models walk across the table and that he looked up their skirts, commenting on whether they were wearing underwear and their genitalia. Source: The Huffington Post

“He took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips.”
Cathy Heller

Age: 44
Year: 1997
Location: A Mother’s Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago

Heller alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips in public. Source: The Guardian


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“He kissed me directly on the lips."
Temple Taggart

Age: 21
Year: 1997
Location: A 1997 Miss USA pageant event and in Trump Tower

The former Miss Utah alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the mouth on two occassions, including the first time she met him. Source: The New York Times

"I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my God, there’s a man in here.'"
Mariah Billado

Age: 18
Year: 1997
Location: Backstage at the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant

The former Miss Vermont Teen USA and other unnamed accusers allege Trump walked into the dressing room unannounced while teen beauty queens aged 15 to 19 were naked. Source: BuzzFeed

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"Then his hand touched the right side of my breast. I was in shock."
Karena Virginia

Age: 27
Year: 1998
Location: Waiting for a car after the US Open in New York

Virginia alleges Trump grabbed her arm and touched her breast. Source: Gloria Allred press event

“The time that he walked through the dressing rooms was really shocking. We were all naked.”
Bridget Sullivan

Age: 19
Year: 2000
Location: Backstage at the 2000 Miss USA pageant

The former Miss New Hampshire alleges Trump walked in to the dressing room unannounced while contestants were naked. Source: BuzzFeed

"Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis.”
Tasha Dixon

Age: 19
Year: 2001
Location: Backstage at the 2001 Miss USA pageant

The former Miss Arizona alleges Trump entered dressing rooms while her fellow contestants were "half-naked". Source: CBS News

"All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge."
Melinda McGillivray

Age: 23
Year: 2003
Location: At Mar-a-Lago during a concert by Ray Charles

McGillivray alleges Trump grabbed her buttock in a pavilion behind the main house in the middle of a group of people. Source: Palm Beach Post

"I was thinking ‘Oh, he’s going to hug me’, but when he pulled my face in and gave me a smooch. I was like ‘Oh - kay.’"
Jennifer Murphy

Age: 26
Year: 2005
Location: Outside an elevator after an interview

The former contestant on The Apprentice alleges Trump forcibly kissed her after a job interview.

“[Trump] kissed me directly on the mouth.”
Rachel Crooks

Age: 22
Year: 2005
Location: Outside the elevator in Trump Tower

Crooks alleges Trump kissed her forcibly on the lips. Source: New York Times

"I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat."
Natasha Stoynoff

Age: 40
Year: 2005
Location: A closed-door room in Mar-a-Lago

Stoynoff alleges Trump forcibly kissed her. Source: People

“Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt."
Ninni Laaksonen

Age: 20
Year: 2006
Location: Outside the Ed Sullivan Theater before an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman

The former Miss Finland alleges Trump grabbed her buttocks during a photoshoot before an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman. Source: Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat


"When we entered the room he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each of us on the lips without asking for permission."
Jessica Drake

Age: 32
Year: 2006
Location: A golf tournament in Lake Tahoe

Drake alleges Trump forcibly kissed her and two female friends on the lips and when rebuffed, pursued her, asking: "How much?" Source: Gloria Allred press event

"He would step in front of each girl and look you over from head to toe like we were just meat, we were just sexual objects, that we were not people."
Samantha Holvey

Age: 20
Year: 2006
Location: Miss USA 2006 pageant

The former Miss North Carolina alleges Trump would barge into the pageant dressing room and inspected women like "meat". Source: CNN

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“He then grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast."
Summer Zervos

Age: Early 30s
Year: 2007
Location: Trump Tower and a hotel in Los Angeles

The former contestant on The Apprentice has accused Trump of groping and kissing her on two occasions. She has filed a defamation claim against the now-president. Source: Gloria Allred press event


“He probably doesn’t want me telling the story about that time he continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room.”
Cassandra Searles

Age: 24
Year: 2013
Location: Miss USA 2013 pageant

The former Miss Washington 2013 alleges in a comment on Facebook that Trump repeatedly grabbed her buttocks and invited her to his hotel room. Source: Facebook, via Yahoo News



Trump has been accused of rape and attempted rape a total of three times, once involving an alleged victim who was a year younger than Moore's accuser.

In 1994, Trump went to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped a 13-year-old girl that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe." The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

"Immediately following this rape Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed," Jane Doe wrote in the lawsuit, filed in New York.

The lawsuit was dropped in November 2016, just four days before the election, with Jane Doe's attorneys citing "numerous threats" against her.

(...) (OP: The article also mentions what happened to Ivana Trump (see above).)

A former Trump business associate, Jill Harth, claimed in a 1997 lawsuit the New York real estate mogul “attempted rape” and groped her without her consent on various occasions. In the suit, Harth described a violent encounter at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, in which Trump allegedly threw her against the wall of one of his children’s bedrooms before lifting up her dress.

"It was a shocking thing to have him do this, because he knew I was with George [her partner], he knew they were in the next room," she recalled in an October 2016 interview with The Guardian. "How could he be doing this when I'm there for business?"

In the pre-election interview, Harth maintained her allegations against Trump despite having withdrawn her lawsuit against him after he settled a separate suit her partner filed over a business dispute.


OP: He needs to answer for all this.

*trigger warning: sexism, womens rights, sexual harassment, *trigger warning: sexual assault, women, sexual assault, *trigger warning: bullying, sexism, donald trump, misogyny

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