Why leftists don't trust Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Deval Patrick

Aug 03, 2017 16:42

The contest for control of the Democratic Party between left and center is continuing apace. The latest battleground is over a handful of minority Democrats being groomed by the centrist establishment to run for office: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

If the center wants to win ( Read more... )

democrats, democratic party, politics

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natyanayaki August 4 2017, 02:50:48 UTC
i kind of hope a bunch of these donor-backed centrist pseudo-leftists run and steal votes off each other (tbf, i hope several actual leftists run as well).

regarding harris, chelsea manning pointed this out and to my knowledge harris hasn't responded or apologized? http://www.washingtonblade.com/2015/05/05/harris-renews-effort-to-block-gender-reassignment-for-trans-inmate/


lightframes August 5 2017, 00:36:35 UTC
Harris needs to come out strong on criminal justice reform. Inmates' human rights still matter.


natyanayaki August 5 2017, 01:00:15 UTC
reading some of the comments is so disheartening because so many people don't think of gender reassignment surgery as necessary :/


lightframes August 5 2017, 01:46:42 UTC
Not that people are any nicer to trans people in the general population, but way too many people think that as soon as you're even accused of a crime you don't matter anymore. It's a huge mess and I don't know how to change that mindset when it's so widespread.


natyanayaki August 5 2017, 01:56:00 UTC
i don't either :(


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