3 Republican Women Effectively Killed McConnell’s Latest Repeal-Without-Replace Plan

Jul 18, 2017 18:07

It's what you get when you sneakily form a super-secretive Senate group to work on healthcare in the dark, with 13 men and zero women. Turns out, it was women who decided the fate of their bill anyway. Oh, the irony!

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in 2010.

Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Shelley Moore Capito have a few things in common. They are all senators. They are all Republicans. They are all women. And they all near-immediately opposed Mitch McConnell’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act with a delayed replacement.

After the GOP Senate health care bill was effectively killed from within on Monday night ― Sens. Jerry Moran and Mike Lee from the conservative wing of the Republican Party dealt the bill its final blow ― McConnell, the Senate majority leader, announced he would move forward with legislation that would effectively repeal the Affordable Care Act without replacing it. The repeal of key parts of the ACA would be delayed until two years after the vote, which McConnell told reporters he wanted to hold in the “very near future.” (The same legislation was vetoed by former President Barack Obama in 2015.)

By Tuesday afternoon, three Republican senators ― Collins, Capito and Murkowski ― became the first to announce that they would oppose a motion to proceed on a repeal of the ACA without a replacement.

Capito released a statement Tuesday morning emphasizing that she “did not come to Washington to hurt people,” pointing to 173,000 people in her state of West Virginia who gained health coverage due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

“My position on this issue is driven by its impact on West Virginians,” she continued. “With that in mind, I cannot vote to repeal Obamacare without a replacement plan that addresses my concerns and the needs of West Virginians.”

My latest statement on the Senate health care bill & planned vote to repeal Obamacare: pic.twitter.com/yAVIxgptCu
- Shelley Moore Capito (@SenCapito) July 18, 2017

Soon after, Collins, who had publicly opposed the GOP Senate health care bill, and voted against the same repeal legislation in 2015, tweeted that she too would vote no on the motion to proceed.

“I do not think that it’s constructive to repeal a law that is so interwoven within our health care system without having a replacement plan in place,” the Maine senator said, recommending that the Senate Health Committee hold hearings to look at ways to fix the ACA.

I will vote no on the motion to proceed to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. I voted against this same proposal in 2015. pic.twitter.com/Szuke5zYNL
- Sen. Susan Collins (@SenatorCollins) July 18, 2017

Following Collins, Murkowski, a senator from Alaska, announced that she would not vote to proceed to repeal the ACA, encouraging the Senate to “take a step back and engage in a bipartisan process to address the failures of the ACA and stabilize the individual markets.”

My recent statement on the Senate Healthcare Process: pic.twitter.com/j19Ok1KwWw
- Sen. Lisa Murkowski (@lisamurkowski) July 18, 2017

As many pointed out on Twitter, these three senators are all women.

This is notable for two reasons: First, because research has shown that GOP women in Congress are actually the most likely to work across the aisle ― especially when it comes to legislation that impacts health, education and social welfare.

Second, although the initial Senate working group on health care was made up of 13 men and no women ― after major criticism, Capito was invited to join a meeting ― three women ultimately decided the fate of the GOP’s push to overturn the ACA.

Senate GOP didn't include women in secret health care process. 3 Republican women decided its fate anyway (Capito/Collins/Murkowski). Irony!
- Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 18, 2017

The first three Republican NOs who effectively sank Obamacare repeal-only were women (Capito, Collins, Murkowski).
- Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) July 18, 2017

As @asfram points out it's the revenge of the GOP women - Capito, Collins, Murkowski - all frozen out of the initial health working group
- Erica Werner (@ericawerner) July 18, 2017

Perhaps if Senator McConnell had included women in the Senate on health care committee, he would not have lost collins, murkowski, & capito.
- Valerie Jarrett (@ValerieJarrett) July 18, 2017

Poetic: the worst bill for women's health in a generation - written without women - is now failing without women. https://t.co/wKRUxrILvr
- Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) July 18, 2017

Capito, Murkowski, Collins - 3 Republican women saying no to Repeal-only.

Now we know why 13 GOP men wrote the bill in the dark.
- justin kanew (@kanew) July 18, 2017

Sometimes, irony is sweet.

By Emma Gray. 07/18/2017 04:37 pm ET.


men suck, republican party, health care, twitter, health, republicans, alaska, congress, susan collins, women, insurance, maine, aca / obamacare, mitch mcconnell, turtles, west virginia

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