The view from the back row + The Real Obama

May 09, 2017 20:22

Journalist and photographer Chris Arnade discusses a country divided by meaning, morality, education, and economics.

In 2016, pundits speculated endlessly on that mysterious place called Trump Country. To many in the Beltway, much of America was a foreign country, to be analyzed statistically rather than in person. Chris Arnade, on the other hand ( Read more... )

poverty, liberals, barack obama

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moonshaz May 10 2017, 22:03:50 UTC

The first article was a very interesting read. Very depressing at the end, but fascinating overall.

The Obama bashing one....well, sorry, but I'm nhft. I'm just not. I'm not saying he is or was perfect, but there's quite a bit of territory between "He's not perfect" and "He's all kinds of terrible, horrible, no good, very bad things." Articles like that one veer farther into the latter category rhan I personally think is warranted.  If that makes me a neoliberal or something, there's not much I can do about that, lol.


rainbows_ May 10 2017, 23:07:37 UTC
I don't consider it Obama bashing! I personally don't dislike Obama, he is and was very charismatic, very genuinely likable and I think he is great father to his two daughters. But I do get people being sensitive and defensive when he is criticized, especially with all the horrible racist attacks from the right wing he had to go through.

However my politics changed during the election, I am now more critical of politicians, even the ones I like. In the face of Trump, we need to be. It may be uncomfortable, painful to criticize the politicians we liked + believed in but the alternative of not doing a brutal post mortem of what went wrong (because things went horribly wrong for the democrats) is worse.

In terms of moving forward:

"Perhaps the things the Democrats need at the moment can be summed up as follows:



StrategyIn other words: What do you care about? Are you the sort of person people should trust to do something about it? And do you have a plan for how to do it ( ... )


rainbows_ May 10 2017, 23:13:29 UTC
Continuing from the article I linked to ( ... )


moonshaz May 11 2017, 18:56:20 UTC

If these quotes are from the same article you already posted, I don’t see the point of reposting them. Tbqh, I didn't read the whole thing. After the first two or three paragraphs, I knew I wasn't interested in going down the path where the article was heading and I'm still not. Sorry, but that's just how it is.

I'm really not interested in arguing about this, "defending my position," etc. It’s fine with me that you don't agree with my description of the article as "Obama bashing." That's a very subjective judgment, for one thing, snd for another, the fact that you chose to post this (and some of the other things you've posted) tells me we're poles apart on lots  of things. C'est la vie. I'm quite sure I can't change your mind and vice versa.

My energy thse days is invested in fighting the horror that’s currently squatting in the White House like an ugly, bloated, orange toad. Taking Obama’s inventory is not something that interests me greatly at the present time. Maybe at some future point, but that’s just not where my head is right ( ... )


rainbows_ May 11 2017, 19:51:41 UTC
Those quotes are from the article I linked to in the previous comment, however in the first comment is the most important info, this second comment is only if people wanted to or are interested in knowing more after reading my first comment. This article is not something I have ever posted, however it does talk about very similar things (which is why I decided not to post it lol).

It's fine if you aren't interested in defending your position! I was just explaining mine. I agree it's a subjective opinion. My only reason in posting the Obama article was to look at what went wrong in the democratic party, what lessons can be learned etc., so we never have to deal with a Trump situation again. There are different ways of going about this however, which may be where you and I disagree!

Nomiki Konst is a progressive who is asking the hard questions and trying to rebuild the democratic party, here she is speaking at the DNC Unity conference:

Nomi just SCHOOLED that entire room!! Love it!! Go Nomi! @People4Bernie on #Periscope (DNC ( ... )


moonshaz May 12 2017, 22:46:18 UTC

Good, I'm glad you're cool with my not engaging further. Some people get pissed if you disagree with them and don't write a long screed explaining why, lol. I can and have done that if I'm of a mind to, but this just isn’t one of those times.

I'm not saying it's wrong to criticize Omaha or the DNC, and I'm not saying some of those criticisms aren't valid. That’s just not my priority right now. There’s a constitutional crisis brewing in Washington, for one thing, and that has my full attention at the moment. That, and getting ready to protest my congressweasel Peter Roskam's support of Trumpcare (and his Trump ass-kissing in general) in a neighboring town tomorrow. It's certainly important to analyze what went wrong last fall and figure out how to avoid making the same mistakes, but in the meantime, 2018 is only a year and a half away, and I'm going to be very busy between now and then. In my district, we have a pos congressman who needs to get voted out, and my state's pos governor is also coming up for reelection. I'm actually about ( ... )


rainbows_ May 14 2017, 20:35:18 UTC
Yep, I don't mind at all! With Trump as president, a lot of people are having a rough time so it's best to go easy online. :)

I think a lot of the political change will happen at the grassroots level, doing what you are doing, protesting and voting. I fully support that and I hope that things work out and change for the better!


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