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tilmon April 10 2017, 01:50:36 UTC
Anyone have any thoughts regarding this community and the new TOS?


amw April 10 2017, 08:36:43 UTC
Great big meh. Most of us living around the rest of the world have spent the last 20 years clicking "accept" on American terms of service, and this is no different. Capitalists are capitalists and cops are cops and all are bastards. But we all make sacrifices for convenience, and imo LJ is still the most convenient platform for blogging and having intelligent conversations with a diverse bunch of people.

In other news, i went down to the Wachau valley with dad yesterday and it was charming. It just occurred to me Easter is this weekend, so that means 4 days of nothing open. I will probably stay in Vienna to continue unwinding before heading off to Ljubljana, Pula and then Italy. I have never had the slightest interest in visiting Italy and i hate most Italian food, but everyone says if i leave Europe without seeing it i shall be a nidiot and an ucklehead. I do like Italo disco and coffee so i think it will be grand.


luna_shovegood April 10 2017, 19:30:19 UTC

I can't get worked up about this with Trump/FBI in America and May's snooper's charter in my own country.


eveofrevolution April 10 2017, 14:15:20 UTC
tilmon April 10 2017, 15:31:21 UTC
Yeah, that, plus the coming under Russian law regarding gender and sexuality diversity.


genghis_cohn April 10 2017, 17:38:52 UTC
I'm Russian myself. Knowing how these fucks operate, I am pretty sure this is all done to be able to apply pressure to Russian segment of LJ (if need be). I sincerely doubt they care about what is going on in the English segment.


moonshaz April 10 2017, 23:14:12 UTC
What you say makes sense to me, and I hope you are right!


lovedforaday April 10 2017, 18:16:03 UTC
I'm not concerned, I agree with the user here and folks at other places LJ cares more about policing Cyrillic users. I'm more concerned that the few active users left on the English side leaving will make SUP shutter or stop updating the English language part of LJ. I haven't actively socialized on here or updated my journal in years, but I would still miss this place.


tilmon April 10 2017, 22:23:42 UTC
That's the part that bothers me most, that so many people have already headed out, and this new TOS has only accelerated it. I won't be going anywhere for almost a year, no matter what, since I renewed my paid journal at the beginning of March. But I have been cross-posting from DW since the first mass exodus of Cyrillic users at the beginning of the year. My thinking is that, since it's the Cyrillic side that is LJ's bread-and-butter, if enough of them flee the ship, there's no telling if this site might go dark.


yamamanama April 10 2017, 19:32:54 UTC
The author of that law deserves damnatio memoriae. In fact, maybe that's a good way to deal with all Russian powers.


genghis_cohn April 10 2017, 23:21:55 UTC
in Soviet Russia, law breaks you...


magedragonfire April 11 2017, 01:07:37 UTC
The intersection of, y'mean? I don't know if they'll care too much about what is posted, here - they're more concerned about Russian posters and whatever the heck 'inciting riots' means.

As for me, though, I'm out as soon as I can figure out how to rip copies of a couple of communities that have long been dormant. The only problem is LJ's damnable collapsing comment structure.


tilmon April 11 2017, 01:15:48 UTC
If you figure that one out, would you mind letting me in on the secret?


magedragonfire April 11 2017, 01:21:17 UTC
If I can figure it out, of course. The closest I've gotten is the LJSM (in Russian, but you can throw the page into the Goog and it's not so bad) plugin that'll take entries and any uncollapsed comments. If it's over the magic number of 50, though, it won't be able to get those.

I've seen hints and whispers that HTTrack might be capable of getting them, but I haven't figured out the magic combination of how to properly configure things to make it happen.


stainedfeathers April 11 2017, 04:51:47 UTC
you could see if maybe some of them are stored on the Wayback Machine: Internet Archive?

I tried this journal and it seems to have a couple captures from it. Granted old and not many, but it might help?


magedragonfire April 11 2017, 05:12:02 UTC
Mmn, I looked a few days ago, and it has the front pages but nothing else. Apparently they were never targeted for a proper crawl-through.

For what it's worth, the communities still exist; it's just that the maintainers have long gone inactive, from what I can tell. LJArchive (at least, the fixed version) works for trying to get copies of personal journals and communities you maintain, but most things running off the LJ APIs to get entries and comments, including LJA, can only get entries and not the comments if you're only a moderator or member.

I'd just like to somehow get a local copy of them so that I can keep 'em on file in case things actually get really bad over here. (They're old roleplay communities, and the thought of losing all that writing gives me the heebies.)


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