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moonshaz March 30 2017, 23:07:56 UTC
Thanks for this. I've thought about doing a post of this sort many times but always got overwhelmed by the sheer amount of nightmare fuel I would need to wade through...and then laziness would take over, lol.

I think it's really important for all of us that are even a fraction of an inch to the left of center to keep focused on what we're up against, and what's really important (i.e., turning the House and Senate both as blue as possible in 2018). Right now I'm hopeful about that, partly because I can see how much opposition there is to Lord Marmalade and partly because I personally know so many people who are fired up and ready to work their asses off to get the right people elected next year. I know what the level of cynicism is like in this comm sometimes, but personally, I refuse to give in to that. There's too much work to be done to expend any of my energy on cynicism or on arguing about "what ifs".


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