5 times the Media has smeared Black Victims of police killings since Michael Brown

Mar 22, 2017 18:45

There seems to be a script after these horrific events.

Mike Brown was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson exactly one year ago Sunday. His death not only sparked a nationwide movement against police violence generally known as #BlackLivesMatter, it also provided the script which all of the frequent subsequent police shootings of unarmed ( Read more... )

race / racism, police brutality

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Comments 2

lovedforaday March 23 2017, 13:26:18 UTC
They're about playing to racist tropes and criminalizing victims so the power establishment -- largely white and wealthy -- will side with the killer, not the killed.

White people, of all classes, don't need any cues from the media how to react to Black victims, they do that all on their own. The media is racist because the US is racist as fuck, benefiting the power structure is just a bonus. White folks would start shit like #Bluelivesmatter and throwing bigot bucks at killers with or without the media because the smearing, fear, resentment and hatred of Black folks is deeply ingrained and the US will never address the problem.


lightframes March 23 2017, 22:08:09 UTC
I'm so tired of the "do what police tell you to do" excuse. We do that and they still kill us. It doesn't matter.


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