On Litotes, A Figure Of Speech.

Feb 19, 2017 18:15

‘Last Night in Sweden’? Trump’s Remark Baffles a Nation

Swedes reacted with confusion, anger and ridicule on Sunday to a vague remark by President Trump that suggested that something terrible had occurred in their country.

During a campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Mr. Trump issued a sharp if discursive attack [emphasis added] on ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, thank you! fuck you!, not intended to be a factual statement, shit just got real, this makes a negative amount sense, bernie sanders side-eyes this, not the onion, drugs, america fuck yeah, oh not this shit again, alternative facts, photoshop disasters, faith-based initiatives, not helping, donald trump, stop fucking with the tags or youre b&, new york times, sweden

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eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 00:41:31 UTC
lafinjack February 20 2017, 01:04:16 UTC


eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 01:05:50 UTC
lafinjack February 20 2017, 01:07:06 UTC
eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 01:10:13 UTC
lafinjack February 20 2017, 01:12:28 UTC
eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 01:14:29 UTC
lafinjack February 20 2017, 01:22:35 UTC
eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 01:29:14 UTC
blackjedii February 20 2017, 01:35:12 UTC
hold up hold up hold up

where's my sunday party post

where's my party

where is that large automobile

this is not my beautiful house. this is not my beautiful wife!!!!


eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 01:37:33 UTC
blackjedii February 20 2017, 01:38:47 UTC
eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 01:46:34 UTC
blackjedii February 20 2017, 02:01:21 UTC
Excellent to quote for fake hysterics.

Also IIRC they sued one Republican candidate for using "Road to Nowhere" without permission. Might've been Romney but bugger if I can remember. At this point I feel like I'm starting to deliberately block Republican-related knowledge out.


beuk February 20 2017, 02:01:23 UTC
Is this song new to you? I'm a little bit amazed.


eveofrevolution February 20 2017, 02:04:54 UTC

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