The “Identity Politics” Debate Is Splintering the Left. Here’s How We Can Move Past It.

Feb 15, 2017 14:42

We must redefine “identity politics,” because the debate about it is mostly wrong. We can start by recognizing that Clintonian identity politics aren’t intersectional-they’re racist ( Read more... )

democrats, hillary clinton, bill clinton

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bunnybutt February 16 2017, 03:32:01 UTC
Wow. So I learned a lot from this posting. To wit:

1) This OP (Rainbows_) is unclear on how to attribute properly. This post is set up to read as if it is her original work; only after literally fifteen screens do we find an actual attribution to other authors, with no citation or link to where the original material can be found;

2) This OP does not appear to be equipped to engage in critical inquiry, and so all of their writings are suspect as being parroted from others, and in this case, as a defensive response to critique of another recent post.

Moving along, LITERALLY nothing to see and no value added to any conversation here.


mimblexwimble February 16 2017, 03:42:32 UTC
This is a community to repost news articles. The OP sourced the article exactly like any of us do when we post. And I'm not sure they're required to defend a piece they didn't write. I know I've shared articles here that I find interesting but don't agree with...


bunnybutt February 16 2017, 15:54:12 UTC
Disagree. Typically if someone reposts an article, it's made clear it's a repost, and somewhere in the repost is a link to "source". Not the case here.


mimblexwimble February 16 2017, 16:13:32 UTC
It's at the end of the post like it always is.


rainbows_ February 16 2017, 04:08:45 UTC
lol, uhhhhhhhhh

Most of the article is under a cut, if you click 'BY DANIEL DENVIR' it takes you to the original article.

Also, I don't think I'm being defensive. I sincerely appreciated the feedback from my last post, so I'm trying to do better! Being intersectional is important.


eveofrevolution February 16 2017, 13:48:22 UTC
blackjedii February 17 2017, 00:51:59 UTC
1) Yeah it is. Same format as always
2) Just because you don't like a post or agree with it != critical engagement. Sometimes people post things to post things, and may or may not even agree with said post. Sometimes people post things because they learned stuff themselves. And sometimes people post to remind the community that it's still alive. The community was all but dead pre-election coverage so I'd rather have repetitive posts to have something to read than nothing, even if I don't personally see the inherent value.

Moving along...
Dude we're on a dying blog site that is an offshoot of the only big community left, with not actually all that much of a reach. All of us are generally left / progressive to varying degrees with the major differences being the degree of ideology and perspective. "Conversations" are kind of moot.


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