Once, there was a strange and subtle art practiced among the elect of London and Washington, called Kremlinology. The idea was that through various interpretative techniques, Cold War intelligence agencies could find out what was really going on in a Soviet Union that-it was assumed-was always hiding some great secret about itself. In practice, it
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If you are knitting might I suggest making some socks to send to homeless shelters? It is teh winter and homeless shelters always need socks.
like, that's what actually makes me... more hopeful than not. That there are so many ways for Trump to screw up front and center and be called out on it. Muslim ban? Airlines and tech companies were pissed. He tries to censor the Internet? Remember when Google and Wikipedia shut down for just one day and how quickly Congress was flooded with calls from angry college students?
I am worried that "the left" won't be able to stay cohesive - you have an easier time herding cats than liberals, but there's tons of ways to apply pressure and less than two years to midterms. Some of us are having elections for state THIS year. The election isn't an "over"; it's just an "obvious" antagonist.
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