Mexico Fed Up, has a Populist Meltdown. Happy Neoliberals Welcome New Orange Overlord.

Jan 21, 2017 02:39

DNC Promises It has Changed After Having One Last Money Orgy. (Golden Showers Postponed for the Time Being.)

Mexico’s Great Winter of DiscontentIn the biggest surge of mass protest since the forced disappearance of 43 Ayotzinapa college students back in 2014, outrage over higher gasoline prices and related issues sweeps Mexico. Detonating the ( Read more... )

mexico, eat the rich, liberals, democratic party, protest, economics, keith ellison, poverty, islamophobia, america fuck yeah, anti-semitism, religious politics, economy, riots / rioting, wealth, democratic national committee/convention, energy, religion, oligarchy, race / racism, corruption, israel, islam, populism, donald trump, crime, politics, democrats, elections

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maynardsong January 20 2017, 23:44:44 UTC
Hillary Clinton explicitly talked about civil rights and featured the mothers of the BLM movement at the DNC. But nope, all the far left brocialists and manarchists and nihilists wanted to go on and on about how she and Trump were both the same, she was a neolib, she was a war criminal, etc., and completely overlook how hardworking and intelligent she was (Joe Biden said in 2008 right after Obama tapped him for VP that Hillary was better qualified than he was). It's Bernie who was talking about needing to get away from identity politics.


blackjedii January 21 2017, 01:40:14 UTC
But nope, all the far left brocialists and manarchists and nihilists
I like how any females that may have had issues with Clinton's presidency are summarily erased in each and every criticism I've seen. Because we may as well be guys or something, I guess?

how she and Trump were both the same
They aren't, but they're both various levels of 'bad.'

she was a neolib
She is.

she was a war criminal
I wouldn't go that far but her choices regarding intervention in other countries are pretty well-known and not that inspiring

completely overlook how hardworking and intelligent she was
Don't disagree wrt intelligence. In retrospect I am not so sure on the "hardworking" part considering she took a lot of vacations and breaks on the campaign trail, flew home every night, limited her stumping, and spent more time lobbying for donations than doing cross-country plane trips to speak to working class folks.

It's Bernie who was talking about needing to get away from identity politics.
Nnnno. What Bernie said is that identity politics are ( ... )


lightframes January 21 2017, 16:30:53 UTC
I didn't get what Sanders meant by that (and I said this in a previous post) because literally NO ONE who voted for HRC made that argument. Otherwise you would have had black people going out in droves to vote for Ben Carson and we didn't, so...? Who exactly was he talking to?


blackjedii January 21 2017, 16:41:05 UTC
Supporters DID make that argument. Remembee the "special place in hell for women who dont vote Clinton?" or the inherent misogmy of all her critics? Or the general "Berniebros" talking point that erased women entirely?

Like literally that was a tactic used in the election. Vote for Clinton because it was a woman's turn. Except Warren and Stwin dont count, somehow.

I am not saying Sanders is flawless and lord knows the Dems as a whole failded miserably nut I am really tired of things getting glossed over here. The misogmy was real but so was using Clintons sex as a cudgel to quell dissent.


lightframes January 21 2017, 17:18:02 UTC
And this is why I think it's important for him to specify who he's talking to, because if I remember correctly that question came up in the context of a young voter talking to him, not a party head or surrogate.

Party heads and surrogates may have tried to sell it that way, but that's not what voters were doing, otherwise we would have voted for Michele Bachmann. So I'm okay saying the Democratic Party should have had a better message.

I don't think you're saying Sanders is flawless, but given that I (I'm pretty sure we, I think you did, too) ended up voting for both him and HRC it's my duty to criticize both of them.


evildevil January 21 2017, 01:47:39 UTC
Hillary was defeated by Trump. Fucking Trump! This says more about her than her Critics! Stop defending her and reflect what the fuck was wrong with her!


molkat January 21 2017, 15:09:21 UTC
Bernie was defeated by Hillary. Fucking Hillary! This says more about him than his Critics! Stop defending him and reflect what the fuck was wrong with him ( ... )


blackjedii January 21 2017, 16:55:27 UTC
I wamt the left to WIN.

They aint winning by running center left to fake Republicans.

Also the primaries were closed and Clinton received her edges in the south which she then as expected lost in the general.

Not really sure why anyone deserves a pat on the back this go round.


lightframes January 21 2017, 19:12:43 UTC
I can't say it was expected she lost all the southern states since she lost FL and NC, which Obama won in 2008.

Sorry if it seems like I'm following you around this post but one of my pet peeves is people thinking Dem votes in southern states don't matter when we've contributed to electoral victories. I support the 50-state strategy, not just writing off southern states because we'll be red anyway.


blackjedii January 21 2017, 20:47:01 UTC
Usually whwn I say south I mean georgia louisiana alabama etx. I kimd of think of NC as the midatlantic (like Virginia amd Marylamd) and Florida ia just the little dysfunctional foot

No worries I know it is not peraonal. I went to work and have been doimg spreadsheets for most of the day ughhgh

IA on non "swing" states especially away from the xoast. One of the most enraging things that I have read is how little Dema have bothered with small town elections and deep red territory. As someone the Dema forgot about once Boucher lost his seat it is really galling.


lightframes January 21 2017, 21:05:27 UTC
'dysfunctional foot" yeah that's us lol

It's very frustrating. The party basically threw away the entire south and now we have to start from almost nothing + gerrymandered districts. And as usual it's up to us to pick up the pieces.


blackjedii January 22 2017, 00:26:20 UTC
Eeyup. I mean it's not like our generation doesn't have our hands full what with the whole climate change or massive debt or anything else the boomers left us with.

I need to stop talking. I make myself surly.


lightframes January 22 2017, 01:05:52 UTC
Haven't you heard? Surly is in style now.


blackjedii January 22 2017, 01:19:15 UTC
Dude no I have perfected the "happiness a a coping mechanism" for years.

But I am going to be emailing my representatives every week and telling them how much they suck. New resolution.


blackjedii January 21 2017, 21:52:08 UTC
Usually whwn I say south I mean georgia louisiana alabama etx. I kimd of think of NC as the midatlantic (like Virginia amd Marylamd) and Florida ia just the little dysfunctional foot

No worries I know it is not peraonal. I went to work and have been doimg spreadsheets for most of the day ughhgh

IA on non "swing" states especially away from the xoast. One of the most enraging things that I have read is how little Dema have bothered with small town elections and deep red territory. As someone the Dema forgot about once Boucher lost his seat it is really galling.


blackjedii January 21 2017, 18:29:22 UTC
I wamt the left to WIN.

They aint winning by running center left to fake Republicans.

Also the primaries were closed and Clinton received her edges in the south which she then as expected lost in the general.

Not really sure why anyone deserves a pat on the back this go round.


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