Gloria Allred: Accuser Will Sue Trump

Jan 17, 2017 12:00

A woman who accused Donald Trump of sexually inappropriate contact will file a lawsuit against the president-elect on Tuesday, according to attorney Gloria Allred. A press conference in Los Angeles with the accuser and Allred is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. local time. At least 13 women, including the president-elect’s first wife, have accused Trump of forcibly kissing, inappropriately touching or looking at them, or worse. Nearly a dozen women came forward with such accusations after a leaked video revealed Trump bragging to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about being entitled to “grab them by the pussy” without consent.

Update after press conference:
Feminist lawyer Gloria Allred announced during a Tuesday press conference that her client Summer Zervos has filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump alleging the president-elect used his platform to falsely denigrate her and other women accusing him of “unwanted sexual touching.” Zervos, a former Apprentice contestant, first came forward with the accusations in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. At the time, she said that Trump thrust his genitals at her, groped her, and tried to have sex with her during a job interview several years after her appearance on his reality-TV show. Allred said that following her and other women’s accusations, Trump “knowingly, intentionally, and maliciously threw each of these women under the bus,” and that repeatedly calling them “liars” in public has caused great distress. The lawsuit calls upon Trump to either admit his “sexually inappropriate behavior” or fight them in court and explain himself.

Source had a live video but I couldn't find an embed link

sexual assault, lawsuits, donald trump, shit just got real

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