Paul Ryan: We’ll Defund Planned Parenthood In Our Obamacare Repeal Bill, Too

Jan 06, 2017 22:17

WASHINGTON ― With so much attention on GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare this month, there’s a detail to their plan that may slip under the radar: Their bill will strip all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, too ( Read more... )

flames on the side of my face, thank you! fuck you!, nancy pelosi, birth control, health care, paul ryan, planned parenthood, how is babby formed, reproductive rights, congress, fuckery, this is why we cant have nice things, aca / obamacare, womens health, fuck this guy, small government fits in my uterus

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blackjedii January 7 2017, 17:11:22 UTC
And there are enough Rs that it would have been easy to hamstring her big time by threatening other areas.

As well as the fact that it wasn't a problem of her being "progressive enough" in the areas that she lost - she lost them because of:
- not spending time there
- not connecting with on-the-ground groups that weren't in her private circle (Sanders' crowd who were trying desperately to get her data, tell her areas that were collapsing, and they were summarily dismissed)
- not offering standard things like yard signs, support, etc.
- spending her ENORMOUS tons of money on data and consulting firms, not staffer spread out everywhere or public events, aside from a few last minute concerts (and sersly? Does most blue collar America care about Beyonce? How is that a selling point?)
- focusing all her energy on Trump and not issues of economy and getting her economic message out
- spending tons of time in the Hamptons doing donation drives with wealthy people during the weekends and not on the stump

As well as that there aren't that many Progressives spread out enough everywhere to give her an easy EC victory. There never were. I should also add the premise of "define Progressives" because quite lot of this election came down to jobs, not social Progressivism.

But yeah. Easier to blame the horrible Progressives who OWED her their vote, even when they may or may not even exist. Because that thinking is totally going to help when Dems are all but extinct on a ground level and on a national level are too busy playing the "blame Russia" game to restructure and prepare for 2018.

Like don't get me wrong here. I find the whole situation awful and smelly and it was like taking a punch to the nose or a rusty, serrated knife to the stomach. But what did the Democratic Party - and Clinton as well - do besides not be Trump? How long will we accept that all you have to do is be less shitty than the other guy? It hasn't worked in the Obama years where Rs have gotten more of a chokehold on EVERYWHERE and the Democrats have not cared or tried to anything to reverse their huge losses. I don't want to hear about how it's all our fault (who is "us" anyway??) because the closest to a liberal party group we have in the USA can't be arsed to care until their own livelihoods and overall careers are threatened.


browneyedguuurl January 8 2017, 02:37:53 UTC


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