"...And visions of sugarplums danced through their heads"

Dec 24, 2016 16:15

Mike Pence’s Neighbors Are Trolling Him With Rainbow Flags

Two weeks after Mike Pence was schooled on racial and ethnic diversity by the cast of Broadway’s “Hamilton,” others who disagree with the vice president-elect’s views are expressing themselves in profound ways.( Read more... )

hiv/aids, indiana, fucking valuable thing, washington d.c., transphobia, irl troll, mike pence, homophobia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 4

blackjedii December 25 2016, 01:57:35 UTC
don't care about "symbolic gestures"

care if each and every single one of those people, every hour on the hour is emailing / calling the VP and reminding him that if he dares to pass anti-LGBT legislation they're gonna remember and vote and vote hard in 2018 and get all their friends to vote too and they'll be damn sure to also get their Cousin Benny who lives in Texas to vote against em


ladycyndra December 25 2016, 02:47:41 UTC
Link to his number, please!


moonshaz December 25 2016, 17:09:35 UTC

Of course, symbolic acts need to be backed up with positive action. That's a given. I would be the last person to argue otherwise, and I never meant to imply anything of the sort.

I do think symbolic acts have value. They're not enough all by themselves to bring about the changes that are needed, but I think they have their place.

In this case, I thought it was amusing that a bunch of people were this visibly disgusted to have Pence living in their neighborhood, and I thought others might find it amusing as well. That's really as far as my thinking went at the time. It was never my intention to assume or imply anything beyond that.


blackjedii December 25 2016, 17:41:28 UTC
no worries kitty-combo-person

It's a Thing that I am currently very annoyed with progressives in general and is not really directed towards you. There are quite a few people who seem willing to go on Twitter wars or make videos or "statements" about injustice instead of actually stepping out of their comfort zone and getting politically involved.

I just hope a lot of us realize that now rather than later.


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